Texting, emails, phone

austinkboy's Avatar
When contacting providers, I see a lot of "no text messages". Why is that? Do providers generally prefer email or phone?
I do. For me, texting is a very inefficient way of communicating. I prefer to receive a PM (or message through P411 if you are a member). If you want to follow-up with a phone call that's great, too!

Also, some providers may not have unlimited texting.

...texting is a very inefficient way of communicating. Originally Posted by CaseyTaylor
So true Casy. I really don't like texts period. I have to talk to a gent on the phone before I see him. A text would be acceptable for and initial contact like: "hey you free today". Especially for an old friend that is at the office and cant call.

To answer your question most ladies would like to screen and even hear your voice before meeting. There would be too much back and forth with a text.

Texting before meeting is a very impersonal start to a very personal encounter.
I have done it all, text, email, PM or even IM if they are on yahoo..

its up to the provider to let you know
Guest092815's Avatar
I prefer texts, but just a few to get necessary communications taken care of.
I like email/Pm as well. The written word is really good for me *(smile)*

Life can really bee pretty simple.

I do answer calls for folks I know, but I'm not a phone talker, per-se.
I will return calls if left good info. This helps me to meet new friends.
blenderhead's Avatar
In my experience less than 10% of providers (at least the ones I've contacted) have wanted to talk to me on the phone before meeting. None have texted, almost everything is through email. That works best for me, because when I'm at home and when I'm at the office I'm in the presence of other people and it's very hard to make a phone call. Texting is also a real pain on the cheap hobby phones.
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 06-23-2010, 08:07 PM
Texting is good for handling the last minute logistics of a session, but email, PMs, and phone calls work best for introductions and scheduling.
Text messages work ok for me if your an established client. Most are for short notice requests and I respond as soon as I can.

If it's someone I've not yet met, email, PM, a request thru P411 or my website is the way to reach me.
Takeshi Miike's Avatar
Personally, I'm a big fan of text. I sort of expect providers to have a real life and figure it gives them the opportunity of getting back to me when they have time. Most of the time, I let them know that they can call me if they'd like.
GenesisNicole's Avatar
I hate texting!

I have a cheap hobby phone (perfect for throwing away), It's a pain in my arse to text on it.

And, just as stated above, I prefer a PM, email, or my website for initial contact. After my screening process, I give my number and would prefer a short phone conversation. The phone call is a way for me to get a sense of your personality and to ask 2 questions ....(*giggling*, the men who have seen me can tell you those 2 questions, I'm sure....)

I allow some texting to my returning friends for planning dates, but NOT for idle chit chat.
If you want to shoot the breeze, it's best to hit me on my IM (yahoo), but also understand if I don't reply right away. (I may be busy).

Every lady has a preferred method to be contacted, but I don't think you can go wrong with a PM first and go from there. *wink*

Happy Hunting..

Gen Nicole~
I hate texting also. I like a guy to call me ask me a couple questions set up a time to meet. That works fine for me.
Some people who text are time wasters sucks always asking for extra pics or just want to chit chat.
Dagny D.E.W.'s Avatar
I can read a text but have no clue how to answer and if I don't write down the phone number it is lost in my phone and I can't retrieve it. LOL

I like a keyboard to answer so I can use all fingers not just one. and I prefer(MUST) hear your voice on the phone to set up an appt in real time. Vibes are different by voice than in email/pm or text.

So I like PMs or email but in the end a phone call for me. Hate texts