I have completely lost hope for expecting Arkansas to grow into a place with a wide range of escorts. Little Rock's backpage is full of fake pictues. A lot of the real pictures seem misleading, u know, the pictures where girls only show certain parts of their body instead of showing their whole body. There are only 3 desirable escorts on that site who consistently put up ads. Matter of fact I can show them 2 u since I like to give these 3 recognition
And this one I've seen before, she's a cool girl
I normally go visit a private escort who doesn't post pictures online which means I only have 4 options with escorts. While its good that I have 4 options with escorts, the downside is that these girls might retire at any time which means I'm gonna be lost in the world. So my only option is to make connections with escorts in other states. While I might visit places such as Texas, Oklahoma City, Louisiana, and Missouri, I plan on making Memphis my main location since thats the cheapest place I can travel to