Relocating to a city near you !!!!

Hi!!! My name is Janae, I am on a quest to relocate myself . Personally, I am tired of Texas and need some new scenery... Safe areas to live and work and safe hotels for myself. Areas to avoid ANYTHING that can be helpful in my transition. This will be my first time there so i need a little advice on what to do and what not to do?
If you know any good sites please let me know as well.......
I have posted this in other cities to see what would be fun to try...
Will be visiting very soon. Looking forward to new friendships with both clients and providers You can PM me if needed
bluffcityguy's Avatar
Personally, I am tired of Texas and need some new scenery... Originally Posted by janaebade
If I owned both Texas and Hell, I'd rent out Texas and live in Hell.
--General Phil Sheridan

My experience of Texas is limited to an almost-week in El Paso (or, as my daughter, whom I was visiting, likes to call it, "Hell Paso"), the drive from Texarkana to El Paso, two overnights in Abilene each way, a hellish drive through the DFW metroplex on a Saturday morning (yeah, it's part of the drive each way, but was so hellish that it's seared into my memory), and a wonderful weekend in San Antonio with a lovely woman who, unfortunately, I never saw again after that weekend (the problem with long distance relationships). With the possible exception of the drive through DFW, my attitude towards Texas is pretty much, "nice place to visit (especially with $1K or more in my pocket and a list of ladies I want to spend it on), but lousy place to live."

I do want to spend another Saturday evening wandering the San Antonio Riverwalk arm in arm with someone who loves me (or at least likes me a lot). That by itself made almost melting away in the heat worth the trip. (If one is a history buff, I'll also recommend seeing the Alamo once. Maybe more often if one has a special fascination with either Texas history or doomed last stands.)

Good luck finding a place to relocate. I'll leave it to others here to plead the case of Memphis, Nashvegas, Knoxvegas, or Chattanooga; I'm just mild about living in the Volunteer State myself, but I'm not a typical TN resident (I still see myself as a St. Louisan in exile vice a Memphian or Tennessean).


Hey you would love Nashville Tn but who am I to say I've never lived anywhere else. Let's talk and I would love to show you around when you visit just PM and we can set something up