Ivermectin CANCELED

Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Supposedly, the MSM along with Google are trying to censor Ivermectin LOL. I don't feel like reading into this, but this video explains the controversy. Why would the MSM and Google try to censor Ivermectin, or do you believe this is a conspiracy theory?

matchingmole's Avatar
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The big question is why are you shilling for this drug? Who are these experts in your video and how many drugs do you think fail to pass muster because of the “MSM?” I never heard of this before, especially not on the so-called MSM.

Is this a better solution than those available now?

Hydroxychloroquine is good for malaria. This one is good for worming dogs,

Does it come in collar form?


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ivermectin is a medication used to treat many types of parasite infestations.[3] In humans, this includes head lice, scabies, river blindness (onchocerciasis), strongyloidiasis, trichuriasis, ascariasis, and lymphatic filariasis.[3][4][5][6] In veterinary medicine, it is used to prevent and treat heartworm and acariasis, among other indications.[5] It can be taken by mouth or applied to the skin for external infestations.[3][7]

Common side effects include fever, itching, and skin rash when taken by mouth,[3] and red eyes, dry skin, and burning skin when used topically for head lice.[8] It is unclear if it is safe for use during pregnancy, but is probably acceptable for use during breastfeeding.[9] It belongs to the avermectin family of medications.[3] It works through many mechanisms of action that result in death of the targeted parasites.[3]

Ivermectin was discovered in 1975 and came into medical use in 1981.[10][11] It is on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines.[12] Ivermectin is FDA-approved as an antiparasitic agent.[13]

During the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, misinformation was widely spread claiming that ivermectin was beneficial for treating and preventing COVID-19.[14][15] No reliable evidence exists to back up such claims.[16][17][18]

Veterinary use
Ivermectin is routinely used to control parasitic worms in the gastrointestinal tract of ruminant animals. These parasites normally enter the animal when it is grazing, pass the bowel, and set and mature in the intestines, after which they produce eggs that leave the animal via its droppings and can infest new pastures. Ivermectin is effective in killing some, but not all, of these parasites.[citation needed]

In dogs it is routinely used as prophylaxis against heartworm.[105]

Dogs with defects in the P-glycoprotein gene (MDR1), often collie-like herding dogs, can be severely poisoned by ivermectin. The mnemonic "white feet, don't treat" refers to Scotch collies that are vulnerable to ivermectin.[106] Some other dog breeds (especially the Rough Collie, the Smooth Collie, the Shetland Sheepdog, and the Australian Shepherd), also have a high incidence of mutation within the MDR1 gene (coding for P-glycoprotein) and are sensitive to the toxic effects of ivermectin.[107][108] Clinical evidence suggests kittens are susceptible to ivermectin toxicity.[109] A 0.01% ivermectin topical preparation for treating ear mites in cats is available.[110]

Ivermectin is sometimes used as an acaricide in reptiles, both by injection and as a diluted spray. While this works well in some cases, care must be taken, as several species of reptiles are very sensitive to ivermectin. Use in turtles is particularly contraindicated.[111]
Ducbutter's Avatar
The big question is why are you shilling for this drug? Who are these experts in your video and how many drugs do you think fail to pass muster because of the “MSM?” I never heard of this before, especially not on the so-called MSM.

Is this a better solution than those available now?

Hydroxychloroquine is good for malaria. This one is good for worming dogs,

Does it come in collar form?


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ivermectin is a medication used to treat many types of parasite infestations.[3] In humans, this includes head lice, scabies, river blindness (onchocerciasis), strongyloidiasis, trichuriasis, ascariasis, and lymphatic filariasis.[3][4][5][6] In veterinary medicine, it is used to prevent and treat heartworm and acariasis, among other indications.[5] It can be taken by mouth or applied to the skin for external infestations.[3][7]

Common side effects include fever, itching, and skin rash when taken by mouth,[3] and red eyes, dry skin, and burning skin when used topically for head lice.[8] It is unclear if it is safe for use during pregnancy, but is probably acceptable for use during breastfeeding.[9] It belongs to the avermectin family of medications.[3] It works through many mechanisms of action that result in death of the targeted parasites.[3]

Ivermectin was discovered in 1975 and came into medical use in 1981.[10][11] It is on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines.[12] Ivermectin is FDA-approved as an antiparasitic agent.[13]

During the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, misinformation was widely spread claiming that ivermectin was beneficial for treating and preventing COVID-19.[14][15] No reliable evidence exists to back up such claims.[16][17][18]

Veterinary use
Ivermectin is routinely used to control parasitic worms in the gastrointestinal tract of ruminant animals. These parasites normally enter the animal when it is grazing, pass the bowel, and set and mature in the intestines, after which they produce eggs that leave the animal via its droppings and can infest new pastures. Ivermectin is effective in killing some, but not all, of these parasites.[citation needed]

In dogs it is routinely used as prophylaxis against heartworm.[105]

Dogs with defects in the P-glycoprotein gene (MDR1), often collie-like herding dogs, can be severely poisoned by ivermectin. The mnemonic "white feet, don't treat" refers to Scotch collies that are vulnerable to ivermectin.[106] Some other dog breeds (especially the Rough Collie, the Smooth Collie, the Shetland Sheepdog, and the Australian Shepherd), also have a high incidence of mutation within the MDR1 gene (coding for P-glycoprotein) and are sensitive to the toxic effects of ivermectin.[107][108] Clinical evidence suggests kittens are susceptible to ivermectin toxicity.[109] A 0.01% ivermectin topical preparation for treating ear mites in cats is available.[110]

Ivermectin is sometimes used as an acaricide in reptiles, both by injection and as a diluted spray. While this works well in some cases, care must be taken, as several species of reptiles are very sensitive to ivermectin. Use in turtles is particularly contraindicated.[111] Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Brett Weinstein and his wife Heather Hoying are both former(?) biology professors at Evergreen College in Washington state. They were recent guests on Bill Maher's program. They've been guests on various podcasts (Joe Rogan im sure of but won't name others specifically as memory fails) and have their own as well. Both are PHd's, so they're both published in scientific journals. Brett recently testified before congress. As an aside Brett's brother Eric is a hedge fund manager. Another aside, neither can stand Trump.

Who they are? Just a couple of geeky Scientists who follow scientific evidence and don't conflate that with not liking the politics of someone who comments on the science.
So maybe instead of trying to mock people and ideas you truly know nothing about, you should demonstrate some intellectual curiosity and investigate instead.
Aw fuck, who am I kiddin'?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
So how is this poor flea and tick pill being demonized by “the MSM?”

I can understand that competing manufacturers may want to protect their market share, but I don’t see anywhere that “the MSM” is in cahoots with them

that said, if this is such a priority - assumedly to increase access to COVID treatment — then why are we flushing thousands of unused vaccine doses every day?

No emergency here. Except to get the whole population vaccinated.
winn dixie's Avatar
biden fauzi gates china all connected

{except with the msm when its harmful to their agenda}
  • Tiny
  • 05-31-2021, 12:33 PM
I think the jury's still out on ivermectin. The Eastern Virginia Medical School protocol for treatment of COVID includes it, although it hasn't been updated since December,



A colleague of mine who had COVID a couple of months ago asked his physician about using ivermectin. The physician said he didn't believe it was wise to use it across the board for COVID patients, although he had used it with two or three people.

Apparently the data is mixed as to whether it's helpful or not, and there haven't been any large scale studies.

Anyway if you've got COVID, maybe best to talk with your doctor about this. I definitely wouldn't go down to the feed store, buy some cow ivermectin, and start taking it, without talking to a doctor
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I think the jury's still out on ivermectin. The Eastern Virginia Medical School protocol for treatment of COVID includes it, although it hasn't been updated since December,



A colleague of mine who had COVID a couple of months ago asked his physician about using ivermectin. The physician said he didn't believe it was wise to use it across the board for COVID patients, although he had used it with two or three people.

Apparently the data is mixed as to whether it's helpful or not, and there haven't been any large scale studies.

Anyway if you've got COVID, maybe best to talk with your doctor about this. I definitely wouldn't go down to the feed store, buy some cow ivermectin, and start taking it, without talking to a doctor Originally Posted by Tiny
Neither would I.

But there also was a run on bleach, as I recall.
Ducbutter's Avatar
So how is this poor flea and tick pill being demonized by “the MSM?”

I can understand that competing manufacturers may want to protect their market share, but I don’t see anywhere that “the MSM” is in cahoots with them

that said, if this is such a priority - assumedly to increase access to COVID treatment — then why are we flushing thousands of unused vaccine doses every day?

No emergency here. Except to get the whole population vaccinated. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You don't know the first fucking thing about ivermectin. This "poor flea and tick pill" has been used against parasitic infection by over 3.7 billion people worldwide. It's also antiviral and anti-inflammatory. Had you watched the posted video you might have garnered that Weinstein and Heying (my mistake, previously I wrote Hoying) getting flak from youtube concerning Ivermectin videos. There's a Washington Post piece quoting critics of Ivermectin referencing Trump and Hydroxychloroquine in an article about Ivermectin. But you don't know anything about that either because you know nothing about Ivermectin.
Do you really think you should keep posting about it?
Ducbutter's Avatar
I think the jury's still out on ivermectin. The Eastern Virginia Medical School protocol for treatment of COVID includes it, although it hasn't been updated since December,



A colleague of mine who had COVID a couple of months ago asked his physician about using ivermectin. The physician said he didn't believe it was wise to use it across the board for COVID patients, although he had used it with two or three people.

Apparently the data is mixed as to whether it's helpful or not, and there haven't been any large scale studies.

Anyway if you've got COVID, maybe best to talk with your doctor about this. I definitely wouldn't go down to the feed store, buy some cow ivermectin, and start taking it, without talking to a doctor Originally Posted by Tiny
There are more recent positive studies concerning ivermectin as both prophylactic and treatment.
Particularly from India. They have begun distributing or have plans in some states there. A Dr. John Campbell has several videos on youtube on the subject. The limited amount I've seen I'd call measured discussion of the science.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
That wiki article cites fucking fact checks for it's info lol.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
The big question is why are you shilling for this drug? Who are these experts in your video and how many drugs do you think fail to pass muster because of the “MSM?” I never heard of this before, especially not on the so-called MSM. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
How am I shilling for a drug? This is about how the media and Google tries to censor the internet and create it's own facts

The issue is that Ivermectin appears to show some potential in treating and preventing COVID-19, but instead of funding research into Ivermectin to conclusively determine whether it indeed is effective in treating or preventing COVID, the opposite is happening. It's being canceled.

The video explains all of this.

The question is why do you think the media and Google are trying to censor Ivermectin? The video suggests this happened in order to get vaccine emergency use authorization.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I don’t know why, nor do I care why. This is about saving lives and getting our lives back in order. If you’re not shilling for the drug manufacturer, then you want to make this about then”enemy of the people.”

Showing some potential isn’t the same as clinically proven.

If it’s effective it’ll be utilized. It’s not politics, it’s science.

Never knew we had so many amateur pharmacologists in the forum!
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
There is no drug manufacturer. It's not patented. You didn't even watch the video LOL. What are you talking about?
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
You're shilling for Pfizer then, Johnson & Johnson, and Moderna. You completely missed the point of the thread. At least watch the video.