rate increase

txAustin202's Avatar
So I just noticed that my atf has increased her rates. I haven't seen her in about 3 weeks but I'm seeing her today. I think the last time that I saw her, it was still the old rates. So what is the proper thing to do here? Do I not say anything and see if she mentions the rate increase? Or do I give her the new donation amount? Since I know, I would feel guilty if I don't at least mention it. I'm guessing some ladies grandfather their regulars in under the old rates but then that begs the question of what is a regular? Someone you see once a month? Once a week?
Be a gentleman & talk to her about it. Otherwise, I could see potential for lots of missed communication.
runswithscissors's Avatar
When you visit her, take the new rate with you; it is a ladies perogative to adjust her rates accordingly for her own reasons; if it is an issue for you, most definately ask her if she would consider you at a grandfather rate, but keep in mind, you will need to make a commitment to her and agree on what a regular is with her, whether it is once a week, once every two weeks, etc..

Hope everything works out for you...

As Motorboating said, communicate, communicate, communicate and be a gentleman...

What is a regular? Each and every Lady will have a different definition, so talk about it...
Britttany_love's Avatar
I granfather my regulars in to certain rates but a regular to me is someone i see many times a month. I would just politely ask her and see what she says.
Business is business....but good business is personal. Be respectful by bringing the full amount (new rate). Be respectful by not mentioning the increase before hand. Enjoy yourself....when your done give her the full (new rate) and make it clear that you weren't sure what was appropriate (old vs new). Let her control how she wants to proceed and you can then act accordingly. She may just grandfather you (or not) or give you options based on some mutually agreeable parameters....
I know I would, it shows that you paid enough attention to care and ask, in a respectful way. If it were me, I would grandfather you on the spot for that!

Business is business....but good business is personal. Be respectful by bringing the full amount (new rate). Be respectful by not mentioning the increase before hand. Enjoy yourself....when your done give her the full (new rate) and make it clear that you weren't sure what was appropriate (old vs new). Let her control how she wants to proceed and you can then act accordingly. She may just grandfather you (or not) or give you options based on some mutually agreeable parameters.... Originally Posted by TxToast
txAustin202's Avatar
So I just put the new donation amount on the table and started walking out with her. Once I'm on the other side of the door, I tell her "BTW I know you've increased your rates". She replies "No. Not for you" and runs back into the bedroom and grabs the money, hands it to me, and says "go get lunch". Very classy lady. I knew better than to argue with her. I had arranged greek with her once and brought the extra donation amount. We didn't end up doing it but I gave her the extra donation anyways. She wouldn't take it no matter how much I tried to get her to keep it. Like I said classy lady.
rocker's Avatar
Depends on how bad you want to see her.
If you feel comfortable with her rate hike,
then you will go see her, if not I would contact
her and let her know that your not able to pay
the higher rate and see what her reaction is.

sixxbach's Avatar
aren't you the guy who brags about how high your income and hobby budget is? you are complaining about a rate increase?

WyldemanATX's Avatar
I am thinking he is one of those Jersey Shore short juice head type of guys.
txAustin202's Avatar
Where do you see the complaint at Sixx? And when did I brag? I'm beginning to think that you don't know how to read.
WyldemanATX's Avatar
The 2 butt brothers at it again. Originally Posted by txAustin202

You know how I know you are gay?? Because you have gay fantasies about other hobbyist.....

I got you a booster chair shorty.....
txAustin202's Avatar
I don't watch Jersey Shore. I don't believe in watching idiots being idiots. You and Sixx however would fit right in.

I am thinking he is one of those Jersey Shore short juice head type of guys. Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
WyldemanATX's Avatar
You must be upset you did not get past the casting couch.....Don't cry little spice....
  • Vyt
  • 08-10-2011, 06:50 PM
There is a forum called the Spider Hole. This is not that forum.

If this doesn't go back on topic quickly the thread will be closed. Thank you.