What makes your ATF your ATF?

I'm sure we have all met a provider we like a little more than the rest. So what makes your ATF your ATF ?
burkalini's Avatar
Had one I spent a year with. She quit the business for the last 9 mos and as usual it ended badly. I no longer have ATFs.
One hobbyist told me it was how the provider genuinely enjoyed her business and kept everything professional.
Presale - my ATF is close to my age, she corresponds with me whether we have an appointment or not, and will send hot notes,
Mind - she is intelligent, gives honest discussion, meaning willing to disagree on certain things
Sexual - incredible stanima, on one MSOG -45 min of intercourse, only stopping to change positions
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-09-2012, 07:43 AM
For me it's all about chemistry, trust, and personality. I don't think I could ever have an ATF where there wasn't a large dose of real friendship mixed in with the erotic.

I have two ATFs, both quite different in looks, temperment, style, and interests--but both are ladies I enjoy being with in the bedroom and in public.
Attitude...she's fun to be with...enjoy our time together !
Not concerned about time and I've always have been generous so there's no friction about money..it's whatever I feel like paying her ..and neither one of us has ever left unhappy that I know of.
She exudes sexiness and is funny and never fails to put a smile on my face.
Satyrrical's Avatar
Bunnybabe is sadly retired. She advertised as tantric, but it was more than that as most providers that advertise as tantric are just body rubs with happy endings. She was actually only a L2 provider the last several months of her run, but my meatings with her were still the most amazing sexual experiences I ever had. So exquisitely slow and sensual. That tongue of hers went everywhere. I pray she cums back someday.
memdal's Avatar
It begins with being a girl I like being around, which means easy to talk to and able to laugh with during a session. When I come away from the session, I feel like I have had a personal connection and mutual sexual satisfaction. It never feels like a financial transaction. Of course, all this begins with her being attractive in my eyes (everyone sees something else as attractive), which is a pretty face and a body which is obviously taken great care of. I would say I have several ties for ATF because they meet all of those criteria. Most sessions I leave saying “that was a fun hour with a great/attractive/hot young lady”. A very few sessions I leave saying “that was a fun hour with a great/attractive/hot young lady, and I sure hope we do that again someday”.
Attitude...she's fun to be with...enjoy our time together ! Originally Posted by wildwooly1
I only see most providers once or twice, but the ones that I see many many times usually have a great attitude and are on time. There is one provider in my area I have seen 25 times. She provides a great service, she is easy to talk to. If we run a little over that's okay. And she has only once been 10 minutes late. Ladies always talk about their "time" being valuable, mine is too.
drsmooth1's Avatar
25 times? Bet I know who that is pipe lol. and yea she is that special.
For me it's all about the service without the freaking attitude!
Don't rush me(if we go over I'll pay for my time)
Make me feel like I'm the only one on your mind when I'm in the room!
Please don't rely solely on your looks.
And enjoy your job or find another one.
That's my recipe for a ATF.
Still Looking's Avatar
ATF(s).... Hummmm when it comes to matters of the heart I just let Barry do the talking!


BBBJCIMNQNS that makes your eyes roll back into your head is good too!
Great question. I think if more newbies would read through these answers, they would find much guidance as they select their dates.

I do have an ATF. Going on 7 years now she is the one I have visited most consistently. Early on, I would have been able to express the reasons more clearly. Now, most of those reasons have given way to "routine" and "comfort." I am comfortable visiting her. Nothing has changed much in these years and I know her routine well. And she knows mine.

But I know there are other reasons. First, she doesn't play games. No fantasy girlfriend, not outside contact, no falling in love, and no pretending this is something it isn't. It is what it is. She's more mature so with that comes realism. I like that.

She's also patient. There are times when I have to cancel at the last minute. I call, we reschedule, and she's fine with that. And we schedule multi-hour, so this could be a big sticking point for her. But I always follow through.

Finally, she's casual. She teases a little but not so over the top that she appears false.

I read back over that and notice that I didn't mention "performance." I think I've learned over the years that performance by both parties depends on getting the fundamentals right--safety, good attitude, TCB skills, patience, and casualness.

Great post.
Cpalmson's Avatar
I'm like Pipe. I usually see a lady 1 or 2 times. I've seen one girl three times. After the third time with her, I could tell it would be a long time before I called on her again. Nothing against her. She's reliable and a good time, but she's also not my preferred body type. I like the hunt and variety. I'm looking to play the field more than an ATF. If I had to be tied down (no pun intended). My ATF would have to be a spinner (5-5, 110#s, 34-26-34) and young (under 25) with a willingness to explore in the sack.
I've just seen the same provider for the 2nd time in the last 3 wks. Our first meeting started with a totally enjoyable, absorbing get to know each other conversation that lasted well into the 1 hr session which put us well past the hr after the incredible BCD activities. She showed no concern, no rush. She was totally into our time together. I meant to tip her, but I was so engrossed in more convo as I was leaving that I forgot. I let her know that, but she said just wait till next time. So, next time was this last Thu. With the addition of ample wine flowing and even more enjoyable convo, we again went way past the 1 hr appointment, and, again, she was happy to just allow our time to naturally run it's course. This time I was prepared and had a tip in the envelope when I arrived. My ATF for sure!
canuckvic's Avatar
When I started this hobby, I always thought atf was handed out like bubble gum in a pack of trading cards and it was just an over used and under appreciated term.
Then on June 14th, 2011 I met her!!! What makes her my atf you asked? She gets me! She puts a smile on my face that no one else could come close to! I'm so blessed she entered my life, there isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of her. I know whole heartly that she will always be my atf! I am so lucky that she feels the same way with me!