suspense, anticipation, and the IOP

Okay so one thing I've noticed in my short hobby life is that there is a link between.anticipation, suspense, and passion. When I book in advance, flirt a little extra, chat it up a bit, make a few small requests, etc. things always go better. When I look fir something short notice, am stressed about things, have no lead in flirting things are not all that great.

I was booked ahead for over a week today. She had to cancel for very hood reasons and i will see her soon. I could tell it was going to be fun. So I got really bummed and tried making it up short notice with someone else today and fizzled... No fireworks, no magic and little IOP. Crazy thing is with the same lady two weeks ago it was crazy hot passionate and wild. She even hinted that for the lady suspense and flirting leading up to the day help her enjoy it more too.

So from now on no more short notice dates for Tony, unless its her idea. I had one of those at 7am once and it was hot.

Anyone else have similar experiences? I am always better if the gal is into it too. Do other ladies appreciate the prebooking and some mild flirting leading up to the date? I've found out i sure do.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
What??? you mean there was a provider that did not see you as the GOD of all hobbyists and grovel at your feet like all of the others do?


Sorry but u kinda walked into that one.
OldGrump's Avatar
The familiarity you build with the advance communication helps break the ice. That is why repeat sessions are almost always better than the first one.

I do like a bit of flirting before a session. My tendency may be to do too much, but I'm easily ignored. I just get excited.
cubsoxbull's Avatar
Tony, At the rate you post, you better go get checked for Carpal tunnel syndrome...Just to stay on the safe side.
What??? you mean there was a provider that did not see you as the GOD of all hobbyists and grovel at your feet like all of the others do?


Sorry but u kinda walked into that one. Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
Hate to disappoint Jules, but I expected it beforehand. I just didn't expect it from you. I expected it from.the usual suspects, which I won't name.

Remember I never said any such thing, only others have.

I seriously tell each and every lady I meet, I can't always be a great lay, but I can be a great guy. I only know one lady that might disagree but that's her loss.

You, you dont know me . so Jules, fess up, do you like advance notice with some flirting beforehand or no?
Tony, At the rate you post, you better go get checked for Carpal tunnel syndrome...Just to stay on the safe side. Originally Posted by cubsoxbull
Thanks but I'm good. I'm going to the grave with everything all used up. I'm all in this life.

Work will give me carpel tunnel long before ECCIE.
Roger.Smith's Avatar
Mild flirting? For what? You're paying. That defeats the purpose.You're supposed to flirt with girls you don't pay.
bored@home's Avatar
Its a fine line Tony, I have found if you build it up in your head too much and begin to think "we have good chemistry" then its hard to live up to the mental expectation. If you jump on something quick and rush in expecting full IOP it is usually transparent or non existent.. in either case remember remember what is important to you.

I hobby two ways;
1. just want to get off so whatever
2. mini mental vacation where I can be someone else for an hour "fantasy life of Casanova or whatever".

Just choose based on your mood and you will be fine most of the time.
thrakattack82's Avatar
Mild flirting? For what? You're paying. That defeats the purpose.You're supposed to flirt with girls you don't pay. Originally Posted by Roger.Smith
Some guys are paying them to flirt back

I have to agree, my best experiences were with girls that I contacted a few days in advance and was able to break the ice a little bit before going in.
doug_dfw's Avatar
Pretyfuckingmarvellous- even the ladies are getting fed up with your hot air. Go post in Mens Lounge and see what
Dude. Tony. You GOTTA get a life.

Just chill out a bit. Prolly things then will start happening for you.
Think.... "THE FONZ".....eeeeeehhhhhh!

pyramider's Avatar
Is pfmtony actually a woman?
Thuck Fat's Avatar
Go post in Mens Lounge and see what Originally Posted by doug_dfw
Great idea for the OP.

Come on over to the ML, grab a beer and let's have guy talk.
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
I was booked ahead for over a week today. She had to cancel for very hood reasons and i will see her soon. Originally Posted by pfmtony
I want to know why kind of reasons they give for canceling in the hood. Are they any different from reasons you might hear in say Highland Park?

Just bustin your balls tony, I couldn't resist.
Adonis's Avatar
No, seriously - I want to know what a good hood reason is too.