Hey ladies and gentlemen what is your day job?

StoneCold101's Avatar
I am interested in knowing what your day job is. It would be interesting to know what your day job is if you are a provider. And gentlemen what is your day job. Considering the cost of hobbying you must make a decent income.
Torito's Avatar
Are we looking for self outing here, or just some good old Phishing?
Crzytxn's Avatar
To me that seems like too much information. Considering the nature of this board. Most of the ladies and men here, depend upon discretion.

Holy crap Batman he's on to us...better get outta Gotham
StoneCold101's Avatar
To me that seems like too much information. Considering the nature of this board. Most of the ladies and men here, depend upon discretion.

Crzy Originally Posted by Crzytxn
I'm a Network Administrator. Don't think anyone can narrow my profession down to my identity.
DallasRain's Avatar
I am Hell's tour guide!
lol...seriously.....I am "retired" from RL work world...this is SO much more fun!!
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
I set bait for customers on a fishing boat. I started out as an apprentice and have worked my way up to master baiter.
Guest010619's Avatar
I was a shock jock in the early days.
I was often referred to as a cunning linguist.
Nowadays my day job is unusual.
I spend my time watching cars go by and most times they throw money out the window at me.
I do not work. I sent a couple thousand to a nice guy in Nigeria and he sent me a hundred mil.
Now I just hobby, fish, and sun bathe. In my spare time I create new email accounts hoping another nice person who needs help getting rid of a boatload of cash.
mrredcat43's Avatar
I yell at passing by cars
Mr. Rogers's Avatar
I test-market positive thinking.
I am running for President and love to grab women by the ........., oh never mind
micktoz's Avatar
I'm a stand up philosopher https://youtu.be/tl4VD8uvgec
mmcqtx's Avatar
I collect Social Security numbers, could I please have yours? I will hold in in the strictest of confidence. I also have a part time gig as a wealth redistributor, what bank do you use?
I bark at the postman, and chase tires