Is it just me?

  • Alli
  • 01-10-2012, 10:35 PM
Is there anyone else out there who notices that it takes a few extra seconds for Rick Perry to answer ANY question asked of him by the media in a 1 on 1 interview?
LexusLover's Avatar takes a few extra seconds for Rick Perry to answer ANY question asked of him by the media in a 1 on 1 interview? Originally Posted by Alli
The world would be a better place ....

..... if more folks thought before they spoke.
Rezo's Avatar
  • Rezo
  • 01-11-2012, 04:12 AM
Yup, I've noticed it. Given most of the responses thus far I think he should be waiting a tad bit longer to formulate his replies.
  • Alli
  • 01-11-2012, 07:23 AM
Guess he inhaled more than once.
oilfieldscum's Avatar
If you think that's bad watch his so called "drunken" speach....
I am a little baffled by Gov Perry's seemingly clueless attitude since he entered the Presidential sweepstakes. We are talking about a Polititian who has never lost an election. Maybe good hair does go a long way, especially when a State like Texas hust about runs its self.

I think he has hurt himself more than he realizes. Come next Election, people will be coming out of the wood work to run against him.

One thing is for sure. At least now we know why he refused to debate ole Howdy Doody.
Yowzer's Avatar
You gotta realized that there is probably someone talking in his hidden ear piece telling him exactly what to say and help remember things (The stupid idiot).

They all are puppets doing what the PACs/big business whats them to say and do. This includes the current administration and cuts across party lines. Takes too much $$$ to win a campain and these guys are beholding to their sponsers, not the American public. Throwing the bums out only results in a new set of bums.

If you take away the health care thing, aka Obamacare, he has done almost the same time his processor did: continue to bail out banks and big businesses, continue to involve US troops in foreign wars. Yea, he has increase the deficit, but so did Bush before him. McCain would be in the same boat with reduced revenue and increased spending.

Pick your poison, because they all are poison.