Maybe Maxi's?

You guys started that maxi's discussion in the sc review section so I couldn't reply there... BUT FYI I think Maxi's may have reopened. I was traveling back from San Antonio on Friday on I37 and off the feeder road in the middle of freaking nowhere (but near the Edroy exit) was a small orangish building with a large sign/banner that said "OPEN". This was at night so it kinda stood out to me as there were lights on in the parking lot but I was past it before I could slow down to take a better look (plus had a kid in the car with me).

May not be anything but it could be something.
If it's the building I'm thinking of (just after a bridge), with a small parking lot, small, rectangular building, then it's a gaming room. Unless it's been bought out and being used for other vice-type purposes.
Lucky 1's Avatar
Yes I've seen that building north of Edroy too...and yes the sign says open but the parking lot is all grown up....there's never any cars at all and it looks closed rather than open. I do think it used to be a game room
The large white tarp like sign with red letters that said open looked fairly new, which is why I thought it could be Maxi's. I have been known to be wrong before ... not often and not since I was in 2nd grade mind you but... LOL j/k
XxSaviorxX's Avatar
Just the same Brand koo of you to bring up the interest, when its competition. Thats koo
Well you know me... just a koo kinda gal And not competition.. we have different styles -- besides if things get tough they may be my future employer LOL
I heard that Maxi's couldn't get the proper business licenses and won't be re-opening after all. Anyone heard anything different?

Oh and savior...when did you start typing like a teenage girl?...koo?? really??....LMAO

Elgato69's Avatar
Savior must be hanging around Flour Bluff too much.