Confirmed!: Obama Is Only Continuing & Escalating The Bush-Era "BANKSTERS" Policies

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  • 09-19-2012, 08:33 PM
COG started a thread where the movie reviewer on 2016 said the exact same thing, I agreed and the Tea Nuts went BatChit.

I went to see 2016: Obama's America. Dinesh D'Souza wrote, stars in, directed, narrates, and did the original research for it. If we look at this from the point of view of its success as a documentary, I think it is effective. It is making money in theaters. This is amazing for a documentary. It is a campaign-year documentary, and it is a good one.
It is also dead wrong. That is because it misses the fundamental political fact of the last dozen years: the Obama administration is the operational successor of the Bush administration. In Iraq, in Afghanistan, in Guantanamo, on Wall Street, Barack Obama is George W. Bush in blackface. Obama is the star of a 21-century minstrel show.
This fact has been deliberately ignored for almost four years by both the neoconservative Right and the grin-and-bear-it Left. Neither side will admit what I regard as the fundamental fact of this documentary. It is a long whitewash of the policies of George W. Bush.
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  • 09-21-2012, 06:29 AM

Are you a Tea Party backer?
WTF is the only lib with the cojones to answer this thread.

I've been saying for years that Obama has been utilizing many of GWB's war tactics but the liberal media's fake outrage has turned to fake cheers.
You were cheering Bush why not Obie???
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  • 09-21-2012, 10:11 PM
WTF is the only lib with the cojones to answer this thread.

. Originally Posted by gnadfly
I'm not a lib, I only play one in this shithole!
You were cheering Bush why not Obie??? Originally Posted by ekim008
Mike, I said Bush's drones and embedded troops. The Democrats and the media did not like these tactics until Obama took over the war effort. Obama didn't want to hold enemy combatants without charges, now he's for it. Since we don't have the political will to shoot these people, holding them till they commit suicide is fine with me. Yes I cheer Obama's use of these tactics.

I'm not a lib, I only play one in this shithole! Originally Posted by WTF
The "self-respecting" clause makes your statement void. You belong to the TEA Party - the Long Island TEA party.
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  • 09-22-2012, 06:14 AM

The "self-respecting" clause makes your statement void. You belong to the TEA Party - the Long Island TEA party. Originally Posted by gnadfly
The same can be said of the Tea Wacks.

I'd have to drink ten a day to believe Tea Party double speak.

Unfunded Wars and and "Get the government out of my Medicare!" , is just to God Damn stupid for me to take without women and cheer.

LK is the face of the Tea Party. She knows nothing about politics and even less about simple math. Logic is not a Tea Party trait. I'll pass. Pour me another!