If this was a movie we would be cheering

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Taliban attacks in Afghanistan last week destroyed six Harrier jets, damaged three others and killed a squadron commander. If this had been a Red Dawn kind of movie we would all be cheering except it is our guys getting killed. This military victory by the Taliban has hardly been reported. It is a military victory by a force that, according to the White House, is on it's last leg. The US has not suffered an air loss like this since Vietnam. Larry the Cable Guy always asks if this Russia. I wonder...our news service seems to work for the government instead being independent. A character in Red Dawn said that hiding the news and glossing over facts was the hallmark of defeat. Our press corps closely resembles the press in the old Soviet Union more and more everyday.



Fast Gunn's Avatar
We should have gotten out of that hell hole a long ago.

The irony is that the son-of-a-bitch we were looking for, OBL, was not even there!

. . . So why the fuck are we still dicking around with that retarded country?

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Ask YOUR President, FastGoon
Ask YOUR President, FastGoon Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Oh he doesn't want to do that. It may bring him closer to reality to what Obama is really all about.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I thought he promised to get us out as soon as he was elected.

Possibly not a Taliban strike but a planned destruction of military property so they could get some newer models.
I thought he promised to get us out as soon as he was elected.

Possibly not a Taliban strike but a planned destruction of military property so they could get some newer models. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
He did.If gets relected you'll be asking this same question in 2015
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Well, he is your President too, old geezer, but I do plan to grill him on that dumb-ass never ending war.

However, I think the Mitt has already disowned you as part of the 47%!

. . . But hey, it's not your fault, you're just an innocent, but witless victim!

Ask YOUR President, Fast Gunn Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy