God Really Does Try to Help Us

In the wake of a terrible flood a preacher was trying to do his part in helping the flood victims. Eventually the preacher found himself in flood waters that were over his knees. A couple of fellas in a boat came by and said " Reverend get in the boat ya gonna drown" The preacher shook his head and said " No the Lord has my back I'll be just fine" Not long after that the flood water had risen to the preachers chest, another boat past by and they pleaded with preacher to get into the boat. The preacher again shook his head and said, " The Lord has my back I'll be fine. Well the flood water were rising fast and before ya know it the preacher is standing in water so high that it almost covers his head. Luckily another boat passes by and they pleaded and begged the preacher to get into the boat before he drowns. The preacher just shook his head and said "the Lord has my back I'll be just fine. Well as you may guess the flood water continued to rise and the preacher drowned. When the preacher arrived in Heaven he approached God and asked. " Lord, all my life I've done your will, helped others and preached your Gospel" I must asked you Lord, " Why did you let me die in that flood". The Lord exclaimed " Let you die, Mother Fucker I sent you three boats"
I actually know a few people like this preacher.....ohhh they don't take the help when it's staring them in the face