Enjoy your snowfall

For those of you over in Denton, Decatur and parts of Fort Worth - I hope you are enjoying your snowfall!!!!!

Dang Angie, I thought you said "snowball"!!!!
Boltfan's Avatar
No snowfall for us...
cheatercheater's Avatar
There was quite a bit already on the ground at 6am in Decatur. Didn't last very long though.
There was quite a bit already on the ground at 6am in Decatur. Didn't last very long though. Originally Posted by cheatercheater
well, it's not going to before xmas...

my son was like, "mom, are they gonna close school!" (on sunday)

i said, "baby - uh no. they don't close school for the weather before xmas."

of course - a couple districts proved me half way wrong with effin delays cuz of some damn SNOW!

not out this way they wouldn't.

it better be FROZEN and the salt/sand trucks not able to get to it to make it safe for the busses. in north collin county they hate to close for the weather. even if we are sliding down our driveways and into other people's cars...tough shit - go dump the rest of this cat litter with shit in it to get out! ha ha