70's Style Hotel - Not necessarily hobby related

I manage a couple of models and a new recruit of mine is a great candidate for an idea I've had for a while.

I'm looking for a hotel that resembles the one in this video:


The one uses in No Country For Old Men is a good example as well. We're going to stage a murder scene - nothing too graphic - but the whole shoot will be really gritty so anything modern or upscale will not work.

I know this isn't really hobby related but, honestly, who frequents more hotels than hobbiers? Haha.

Any help would greatly be appreciated. It doesn't have to be located in a classy part of town. We will be spending about 3-4 hours in there. I'd like to get in touch with management at least a week in advance, though, as I will need to discuss replacement of linens, etc.
Thanks for moving it and not deleting it!