BLR - my new hobby

I think this will be my new hobby over Christmas break....

First Ron Paul is talking about Brewski and Bananas

Cain is talking about monitoring underwear

and Perry is talking about building a dog house and borrowing Kwanza CD's...

This is some GOOD SHIT!




there's lots more too!
69er's Avatar
  • 69er
  • 12-08-2011, 09:07 PM
Why would anyone feel the need to make shit up to make them look foolish? They all do it for real so well, that the effort is just wasteful!!!
Randy4Candy's Avatar
The best part of all of this is when one turns the sound OFF watching these clowns. Better silent horror flicks than anything Bela Lugosi, Lon Chaney Sr., or Boris Karloff put out in the 1920's. Or, funnier than a Harold Lloyd, Keystone Kops or Buster Keaton comedy.
well, yes - you are both right...

but it's still good comic relief...

i thought the POTUS one was stupid.
xoxoBigboyxoxo's Avatar
angie, I would love to read your lips!!!
angie, I would love to read your lips!!! Originally Posted by xoxoBigboyxoxo