Reposted from national business services: I need some advanced wordpress help.

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I have a blog that needs some TLC.

I KNOW how to add text, etc., to a blog. But I need some structural help. Or I need to start over.

I don't wish to deal with someone who knows a couple of things, or knows enough to just cause more confusion or who wishes to trade "services".

I want a professional who knows wordpress inside and out, isn't addled by alcohol or anything else, sex worker friendly, who is free of bullshit and knows his/her stuff 110%.

And since I'm reposting this request in my neck of the woods, it would also be nice for the company to be stateside, have a decent knowledge of English (been there already) and doesn't have a problem with phone conferences (surprisingly, some "companies" don't wish to talk on the phone).

I've had a negative belly full of potential people that I could hire and a few that I did try, and nothing has worked out.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.
