Twitter permabans the orange clown inciter-in-chief..

  • pxmcc
  • 01-08-2021, 07:59 PM

so now we need a betting line on whether trump becomes a twitter multihandle..

the problem for trump is his ability to fly utr will be even more improbable than WolfWhistle's on eccie..
MisterMeat's Avatar
He already tried @POTUS and Twitter shut that down as well. Trump is like the wicked witch of the west in The Wizard of Oz. He's melting.....
  • pxmcc
  • 01-09-2021, 08:56 AM
He already tried @POTUS and Twitter shut that down as well. Trump is like the wicked witch of the west in The Wizard of Oz. He's melting..... Originally Posted by MisterMeat
cool analogy Mister. he who lives by the tweet, dies by the tweet..
winn dixie's Avatar
Remember burn it down all summer?

Double standard hypocrisy!
500sl's Avatar
  • 500sl
  • 01-10-2021, 06:33 AM
If twitter is a private company and can do what they want, why can’t restaurants do hat they want? One right at a time is being taken from us. When the demos run out of people to tax, shit is going to get real
O'Mike's Avatar
The right to free political speech is one of the pillars this country was founded on. It does not protect that speech in which you like, it protects what you find most offensive. This is a direct attack on our foundation as a country. It was one of the things that brought about this nation.

It is disgraceful what they are doing.

Also, we have got to start placing blame for crime at the feet of the offenders. No one can 'make' you act uncivilized. You are 100% responsible for your actions at all times.

The left is worried that their tactic of not accepting blame for their antics in Portland, Seattle, St.Louis, Milwaukee, Ferguson, NYC, Baltimore, coming back at them.

If you commit a crime you should face the music, don't try and blame it on someone else or your 'victim' status.

The hypocritical mindset of the left is disturbing and destroying this country.


If twitter is a private company and can do what they want, why can’t restaurants do hat they want? One right at a time is being taken from us. When the demos run out of people to tax, shit is going to get real Originally Posted by 500sl
Last I checked Twitter is a Public Company that trades under the ticker TWTR.

This is not investment advice.There are risks associated with investing in securities.
500sl's Avatar
  • 500sl
  • 01-15-2021, 03:20 AM
Private as in not owned by a government agency. We all know that their stock is publicly traded. However, feel free to interpret it however you want. If they were owned by the public or government, they could not censor Mr Trump.

In reality, twitter owns the government via political donations
VitaMan's Avatar
Free speech is a guarded treasure. You cannot yell "fire" in a crowded theater.
oilman12's Avatar
A direct attack on our foundation? GTFOH!
And then all this talk about liberals. Hell, you're on a hooker board. What do you think that makes you lad?

The right to free political speech is one of the pillars this country was founded on. It does not protect that speech in which you like, it protects what you find most offensive. This is a direct attack on our foundation as a country. It was one of the things that brought about this nation.

It is disgraceful what they are doing.

Also, we have got to start placing blame for crime at the feet of the offenders. No one can 'make' you act uncivilized. You are 100% responsible for your actions at all times.

The left is worried that their tactic of not accepting blame for their antics in Portland, Seattle, St.Louis, Milwaukee, Ferguson, NYC, Baltimore, coming back at them.

If you commit a crime you should face the music, don't try and blame it on someone else or your 'victim' status.

The hypocritical mindset of the left is disturbing and destroying this country.


. Originally Posted by O'Mike
O'Mike's Avatar
I see you don't get it oilman12, you seem to be part of the problem.

Fiery political speech is what lead to the creation of this country. The folks that are so adamant about banning any talk that does not fit their political agenda, or don't like are not the kind of people who could have created this great country.

The political factions (parties) that are tearing this country apart today were what the founding fathers were worried about. They wanted to avoid the civil wars of 17th century England. They wanted to avoid corrupt government rule. Yet here we are with the left trying to silence anything, from 2nd supporters to freedom of speech, changing the historical record to reflect their political agenda and corrupting the judicial system with DAs more interested in politics than in justice.

The left, with the help of big tech and a biased media, is attacking the foundations of our country in hopes of achieving a single party system.

Keep your head buried in the sand and listening to CNN, MSNBC/NPR, etc. they will lead to your demise.

Communism does not work to the betterment of the people, period.

CryptKicker's Avatar
Private company or not there are anti-trust laws that equate what has happened to Trump, other conservatives, Parler, etc as collusion on the part of the social media sites. I'm not a huge Trumper but I am right leaning (self-disclosure) and feel like all sides need to be able to express their viewpoints as long as it does not encourage violence, etc. Twitter, and in fact most of the other social media sites, still allow accounts that advocate the overthrow of the US, death to Jews, etc. How is this any different?
It’s nuts. We used to think Pravda was biased. Our media is probably worse, and private companies actively censor wrongthink. Double plus ungood, folks.
One-Eyed Willy's Avatar
No worries... Sleepy Joe, Kamaltoe, Chuck the Schmuck and Nervous Nancy are in charge now. Get ready turn in them firearms and pay the piper. If you don't like your new tax rate, you're a racist.. oh wait.. you're a terrorist now too.

Abolishing the Electoral College legislation already on the books, Patriot Act 2.0 in the works, Mass Amnesty in the works & a massive Caravan is already comming...

Buckle up buttercups.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
No worries... Sleepy Joe, Kamaltoe, Chuck the Schmuck and Nervous Nancy are in charge now. Get ready turn in them firearms and pay the piper. If you don't like your new tax rate, you're a racist.. oh wait.. you're a terrorist now too.

Abolishing the Electoral College legislation already on the books, Patriot Act 2.0 in the works, Mass Amnesty in the works & a massive Caravan is already comming...

Buckle up buttercups. Originally Posted by One-Eyed Willy

I didn't vote for the bastard and when every bodies 401K hits the shitter, I will gladly remind them. Also just read the northward march from Honduras has begun.