Do you ever...............

Ever feel the desire to see someone that day but you just don't have the energy or will to set it up?

Doncha wish a provider might be more aggressive and come after you sometimes?

I talk myself out of a lot of things but if it was suggested to me I likely would agree, maybe, sorta, depends.

I didn't think you gentlemen liked aggressive women.
I do!
Smart, funny, and cute too.

I just don't like pain and suffering of any kind whatsoever!
growler's Avatar
I didn't think you gentlemen liked aggressive women.
Originally Posted by Allie_Kat
LOL...I don't know about aggressive. But I do like a woman that know's what she wants.
Someone should let me know when and where to go, They should meet me at the door, take my hand and lead me to the bedroom, gently disrobe me and lay me on the bed and sensually and gently join with me cosmically and spiritually just for a little interlude of peace in a noisy world.

Daydreaming here.
The room should be cool and dimly lighted and it would be nice if a bottle of water was on the nightstand and maybe some soft music too.
If a lady knows what she wants and knows of a certain gentleman (or lady for that matter) that can meet the particular needs and attentions of the day, why shouldn't she see if he can "provide the provider"..? His answer is either:

1) No way in hell, even if it was free... (not a popular option)
2) Thanks for the offer but [insert reason here] prevents me from completing my mission.

So, ask away....
I wouldn't be opposed to having a "friend" contact me to offer an afternoon of fun and escape. I would enjoy having somebody take me into a room and handle the whole process from Top to bottom with a lost of focus in the middle!!!
KCQuestor's Avatar
If I have both the time and funds available, then I'm gonna make the call anyway. If I don't have the time or the funds, then her calling me doesn't help.

Besides, when a provider calls me looking for a date, all I can think of is "she must be desperate for cash" and that's just not sexy.
I don't mind a provider calling out of the blue...asking to go have lunch, etc....but I agree with Questor, I don't like the out of the blue calls asking for a session. I instantly assume that she is low on money, and from the right angle I must look just like an ATM to her.

But back to my original comment, if you want to get a hobbiest eating out of your hand, be aggressive, call and suggest a movie or something. Us guys are really simple most of the time, and we become hopeless puppies if you show even remote interest in us.
I wasn't thinking the attempt to call would necessarily be crude but it could be done seductively and subtly and could be stimulating to think that they thought of you as their choice.

My phone has not rung and my mail is all spam,
So much for my daydream and woman of glam.
My dick is hard and reaching my knee,.
I would bear gifts and never expected for free.
Alas and alack it appears not to be,
A day with some fun for me!
A soapy shower at the end of day,
Will be my only way to play.

Cat - you need a drink I think the heat is getting to you!
tomcat2102003's Avatar
It depends on the relationship and the connection. Someone that I have seen quite a bit and I see regular, I am open to getting a call from and have from time to time. Someone that I have seen once or gives you the "ATM" feel, I don't want the call from. The calls that I have gotten from someone that I really click with I have really enjoyed getting and usually I have made myself available for the meeting and it was great! I realize it may have been for the money, but if it is done right, it feels good to be 'wanted'. Let's face it, it is a dream. right?
Gryphon's Avatar
But back to my original comment, if you want to get a hobbiest eating out of your hand, be aggressive, call and suggest a movie or something. Us guys are really simple most of the time, and we become hopeless puppies if you show even remote interest in us. Originally Posted by lacrew_2000
How true.
BiggestBest's Avatar
While some guys don't EVER want a call from a provider, for hobbyists who don't mind:

A) A hobbyist could make it known that he'll take bids from several providers for a specific time. Then he would pick the best "price-performer" for that specific time.

B) If a hobbyist is actually flexible on times, he could let a few chosen providers know that, for a slightly longer session, he'd be willing to meet at a date and time of the provider's choosing. The provider could then choose to "move" hobbyists away from their "prime time" to balance the provider's schedule.

C) A hobbyist could arrange with a specific provider that they want to meet some time in the next 10 days and give the provider permission to call. When they do call, it is the provider's assignment to "seduce" the hobbyist into coming over by describing what the provider has prepared for the meeting.

Could these work? Other ideas?