faith28's Avatar
I hope I did the right thing... What do both you gents and gals think?

I had an appt tonight scheduled for 7:15pm. I emailed him earlier to let him know I was available earlier incase he was free. He said he could be there by 6:00pm. I thought okay great. Well when he arrived at the hotel it went all down hill from there. We just had no chemistry AT ALL. Not only no chemistry.. we did not click whats so ever. I felt like if I said white he would say black. I am sure everyone here can relate to some time in their life. After a few minutes of chatting it was not getting any better. He said to me would you like to proceed with this? I replied yes of course. after returning from the powder room. I could just feel the tension. So I suggested that we cancel our appt. he agreed and left.
Anyone who has meet me knows how laid back I am. I get along with EVERYONE!! What do you think... did I make the right call??
I hope I did the right thing... What do both you gents ad gals think?

I had an appt tonight scheduled for 715. I emailed him earlier to let him know I was available earlier incase he was free. He said he could be there by 6. I thought okay great. Well when he arrived at the hotel it went all down hill from there. We just had no chemistry AT ALL. Not only no chemistry.. we did not click whats so ever. I felt like if I said white he would say black. I am sure everyone here can relate to some time in their life. After a few minutes of chatting it was not getting any better. He said to me would you like to proceed with this? I replied yes of course. after returning from the powder room. I could just feel the tension. So I suggested that we cancel our appt. he agreed and left.
Anyone who has meet me knows how laid back I am. I get along with EVERYONE!! What do you think did I make the right call??
Faith Originally Posted by faith28

Having some type of connection is important. Otherwise, it just will not be an enjoyable time for either party. Good call.
Tough call, but probably the right one. I have had business partners that I attempted to get through early personality conflicts only to have it blow up later on down the road. Kudos to you for following your gut instinct and pulling the plug early. I am sure even your client appreciates it.
I think he should have left you something out of courtesy.

Sometimes its the right thing to change the amount of time and I think it's cool you guys could address it together.
lou21's Avatar
  • lou21
  • 08-30-2010, 08:55 PM
You definitely made the right call.
Faith - definitely the right call for both of you. It was very classy of you to discern an uncomfortable situation and cancel the appointment with no fee. Well done & kudos.
ben dover's Avatar
It happens, nothing to worry about and for sure the right call. I've met a few ladies (models) that I couldn't imagine spending time with other than taking photos. Not that they were hard to deal with or anything bad, there was just no connection and it showed in the photos. ..BD
  • Laker
  • 08-31-2010, 05:05 AM

All above comments very well said. You did right!
  • Aguy
  • 08-31-2010, 05:22 AM
You most definitely made the right call. One thing that took me awhile to learn in life is when to saw no to an offered job and not get myself into a situation that just wasn't working for anybody.
Right Call. I am a very part time hobiest and want to enjoy my time in it. About 2 years ago I met a young lady and had we NO CHEMESTRY at all. We had a pleasant enough conversation for about 15 minutes at which point I gracefully bowed out of our meeting. I did not leave her empty handed, she was nice enough to set asside her time for me and deserved the generosity for that alone. We simply had no spark. No matter the circumstance....if there's no spark, there's no spark. Good for you Faith.
99.9 percent of men on this earth would love to and appreciate a little converation and some great sex with you. for the one in a thousand that would not better to part on good terms than do something neither would enjoy. always remember for every one incident like this there are 100 guys who's dreams and fantasies you have made a reality. you are a class lady
I hope I did the right thing... What do both you gents and gals think?

I had an appt tonight scheduled for 7:15pm. I emailed him earlier to let him know I was available earlier incase he was free. He said he could be there by 6:00pm. I thought okay great. Well when he arrived at the hotel it went all down hill from there. We just had no chemistry AT ALL. Not only no chemistry.. we did not click whats so ever. I felt like if I said white he would say black. I am sure everyone here can relate to some time in their life. After a few minutes of chatting it was not getting any better. He said to me would you like to proceed with this? I replied yes of course. after returning from the powder room. I could just feel the tension. So I suggested that we cancel our appt. he agreed and left.
Anyone who has meet me knows how laid back I am. I get along with EVERYONE!! What do you think... did I make the right call??
Faith Originally Posted by faith28
smokey1187's Avatar
Not knowing if he hobby before i'm looking at it maybe as some sort of set up. Like an investigator for a cheating husband.. But thats just my take on it
offshoredrilling's Avatar
mmmm If it was me the review would still end with a "yes". I like this thread thanks faith28
I appreciate it when a provider knows that they can't give their best, and says so. I've had one or two times -- with providers I know -- where I was scheduled to be late in the day, or where something had come up that had ruined her day, and I got a call saying that it just wasn't the right day for them to meet with me. If it's not right for them, then it wasn't going ot be right for me.

That extends to this situation. At the heart of this -- once the business is taken care of -- you are two people getting together to have fun, to have a good time. If either one of you thinks that may not be possible, it's probably better to back away. But if BOTH of you feel that way, it's DEFINITELY better to stop upfront and have this kind of story, rather than the horror story you might have had if you had gone through with the visit.
iggy's Avatar
  • iggy
  • 08-31-2010, 11:37 AM
Faith I have known you a long time !!

the mere fact that you are concerned about the issue, says volumes!!

Your integrity, class will never be brought into question.

If only all providers were like you there would never be conflicts.
