Austin Day Spa 2206 Hidaldo

Treetop78759's Avatar
This post is not about the human trafficking that takes place at Austin Day Spa.

This post is not about one of the most powerful institutions in the state snapping their fingers, and making something happen.

This post is not about if or when they will be shut down.

It's about location. Austin Day Spa is DIRECTLY across the street from a charter school. A school that is part of the University of Texas.

Probably 50 to 75 feet away from the drop off area and entrance. Google Earth it yourself and you will see.

I'm confident that most people not on Eccie (parents, UT, LE) would say it's totally unacceptable.

Does anyone on Eccie have a problem with this and don't think it's okay?
You are aware everyone just ignores you. You have repeated ly insulted eccie members and ask for them to agree with you. Your motives are thinly veiled. We get it you are a social justice warrior. But this is not the forum for your crusade. Your credibility is shot. No one beleives or cares about your causes, opinions or your hearsay. If any posters agree with me let treetops know, maybe he will get the message. His cause may be right, but we have grown weary of him.
This issue is not about the austin day spa, it is about you feeling good about yourself. You righted a wrong slayed the windmill. I have blocked you so I no longer see your posts. Remember before you insult members, you do not know their reason for hobbying, best you refrain from comments when you don't have the facts
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  • Twix
  • 07-15-2019, 10:54 AM