Donations/Roses - Do you Bargain? Tip?

lebrouge's Avatar
Just curious how my eccie bros feel about donations/roses in general. I personally never bargain, and only tip for real good service.
How do you'all feel about the fee setting process?

btw this poll is running on oh2 as well - just curious if the folk over there are a different kinda crowd...
ICU 812's Avatar
I book sessions with Indy providers I want to see . . .who expect a donation that I can afford. There are women I would give up hard drugs for . . .but not for what they expect as a donation.

I tend to tip in advance around10% to 20% and that is part of my pre-booking calculation. I do not want the provider to resent our time together, so I do not try to bargain her down. I may bring in a little gift as well. Folks give me gift cards for coffee sometimes and that is always a nice little session sweetener.

I may tip this way in an AMP session as well.

My post session tip for good service is a return visit later on.
Most of the time I'm #3 in the poll. But it completely depends on the chic. If she is new, if she is young, if I feel a negotiation will work or is needed then I'll do it.
lebrouge's Avatar
I may bring in a little gift as well. Originally Posted by ICU 812
I do this too for my repeat visits/regulars - a big bar of Swiss chocolate, some Cava sparkling wine from Trader Joes, it's worth it to see their face light up - if I want a session resembling a GFE, I start it with a little BFE!
Ripmany's Avatar
When her web add saids 30 for 50 a half hour for 100 and hour for 120. I call her up she says 120. Come on get it back down I know she in getto hotel and need a bit. 80 to 100 is what I pay depend if $80.00 are failing and been a while I will bump to $100.00 on hot body chick with good rap. Hotel 55.00 few adds mostly free $10.00 unnecessary condom and lube $5.00. she net $10.00 to $30.00 guy one every dick after is pure profit.. 10 guys a night that $700.00. After all she was willing to go to $50.00 me offering $80.00 to $100.00 should make her feel good. Even though she was trying hustle me for a $120.00
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
The biggest tips you can give a provider is seeing her again for a session and referring others to her after you had a good time with her.

On the donation, if you contact her first, pay her what she advertises, if she contacts you first, negotiate away.
JRLawrence's Avatar
Just curious how my eccie bros feel about donations/roses in general. I personally never bargain, and only tip for real good service.
How do you'all feel about the fee setting process?

btw this poll is running on oh2 as well - just curious if the folk over there are a different kinda crowd... Originally Posted by lebrouge
Good question. It is well known that the amounts requested fir "Donations" has gone up over the last several years, and much more during the "China Virus" over the last year. Everyone in the hobby knows that. There are a couple of questions that need to be addressed:

1. Concerning the Virus season, do providers or many other businesses deserve to charge higher prices because their business income has been down? The answer is a big NO! For example: my favorite cafe had a plate lunch for a set amount for years and raised their prices 20% when they were allowed to open. Their business is down because of it. Many of the guys who were there every day quit coming to the cafe because of the 20% price increase. The same has happened with the hobby.

2. We all know about inflation: in the 50s the price of bread was 10 cents and you could purchase a gallon of gasoline for 20 cents. Hell, I remember when a cup of coffee was 5 cents at every cafe and the scream from people when it was raised to 10 cents. I also remember the joke: "Off the table Mable, the quarter is for a beer"! A piece of pussy is still a piece of pussy,, but the price increase has become much higher that the cost of other goods and services. Some ladies are definitely worth the higher prices, but not all. Be selective, just because you see some worthy ladies with high prices does not mean you should pay an ugly, fat uncouth slob the same amount.
lebrouge's Avatar
The biggest tips you can give a provider is seeing her again for a session and referring others to her after you had a good time with her. Originally Posted by Wile E Coyote
True Dat! I also consider my reviews on eccie & oh2 as tips. It's a bit of work to write one well...
lebrouge's Avatar
On the donation, if you contact her first, pay her what she advertises, if she contacts you first, negotiate away. Originally Posted by Wile E Coyote
Spoken like a true business man - It's all about supply and demand. If she asks first, she's not currently in demand lol...
ICU 812's Avatar
Re: Hobby economics in the pandemic era.

I would think that the supply/demand effect would control movement of donations up or down.

This should be a pretty pure market in th strictly economic sense. If a provider can get it (whatever) and stay busy, then the market place will provide "it".

If the level of donation is going up generally, that means that there are enough guys with significant hobby resources to pay it. Months ago, I suggested here on this board, that the supply of providers would go up as women were left unemployed, while the number of men able to hobby would go down for th esame reason.

Apparently I was wrong on this or ovrsimplified the situation.
lebrouge's Avatar
Re: Hobby economics in the pandemic era.
I would think that the supply/demand effect would control movement of donations up or down. Originally Posted by ICU 812
You are arguing at the macro level, which is an interesting area in and by itself: Should prices in general go up or down during a pandemic. I'm making a case at the micro level, independent of the pandemic.

For example, one provider of mine (which shall remain unnamed) has an insatiable appetite for the casino tables, so she oscillates between being broke, and temporarily flush from hosting dicks .

When she's broke, she texts me and her other regulars "Available!". That's when you can bargain (not that I ever bargain with her, but you get the point: I could easily take advantage of her weak position).

When she's flush, I never hear from her, and I do the texting - not a good bargaining position for a john.

Other babes that don't know what a savings account is (or can never fill one up due to debt) can get real desperate too, when time comes to pay the rent. Rather than trying to take advantage, I try to provide a bit of a BFE with an extra tip, and reap the GFE benefits of gratitude... Works for me often enough...
I never negotiate, the provider sets the donation and if I agree to see her than I've agreed that she is worth what she asks. If I don't like the price up front I won't bother contacting her and wasting her time. Tips, I tend to include a tip with the donation up front, or bring a separate card with a gift (tip) inside. Not always, but most of the time. It's a way of showing that I appreciate what they do.
BigBaldBlk's Avatar
Agree with Wile E Coyote above, the best tip is another visit. I always pay her rate, never negotiate, but instead of monetary tip, I usually see what her favorite beverage, perfume, flowers etc are and tip this way.
lebrouge's Avatar
Tips, I tend to include a tip with the donation up front. Originally Posted by awildcat1
Whats the rationale for tipping upfront? This is the opposite of restaurant tipping.
FightFan's Avatar
I negotiate with local or new providers that do not state rates on their advertisements . Negotiation is off the table for well established providers and agencies . The art of negotiation is knowing who your dealing with. You can't negotiate the price of gasoline at BP so why waste your time .

Donation rates have definitely increased and quality of service has decreased in the Covid era . Limited menus with an increase in price is a terrible scenario playing out .

Donation rates have reached an all time high in many cases . The lower end providers are now expecting what the top tier providers made before Covid .

The Sugar sites have followed suit with increased rates. Most have flipped to be escorts after they realize the money is easy.