12th & Vine

Longermonger's Avatar
One thing that I've always wanted to do was get laid at 12th & Vine because of the song. But the neighborhood is bad and I can't figure out a good way to make this happen. Any ideas?
Dress up as a tranny and stand on the corner...

just kidding.
Haven't been there in a few years, but there were some decent restaurants at one time. Invite a provider down there and pretend you picked her up.
noleftturn's Avatar
That would be tough. There is a street sign that indicates where 12th and Vine would be if there were an intersection, but there is no intersection. There is an area like a small park but I have driven by and seen some dudes in the area. Remember it is one short block east of 12th and Paseo, both of which are main roads used by many including LE. Just listen to the song and do it somewhere safer.NLT
Muffrider's Avatar
Rent an RV, bring along a provider, crank up the blues on the surround sound, and nail her like a railroad spike.