2nd chance?

  • rayc
  • 07-27-2010, 12:05 PM
Was wanting some input on a situation earlier today. Called the girl and asked if she was available and she just wanted 45 minutes to get ready. This was at 9:40. I call at 10:30 to say I'm a little behind but not too far and didn't get an answer. I try to call 2 more times over the next little while and 10:45 I get a text from her asking to "call you in a minute, I can't talk yet". I head home a little after 11 and about a half hour later she texts again and says her appointment was late and apologized. I told her I was almost home and maybe another time and she apologized again.

Now, part of me is saying "She's hot, just try again tommorrow." But another part of me is saying "I used up all that time and didn't get to meet her because someone else was late. Why should I give her a 2nd chance?"

What do you think? Lose that number on account of the bad first impression or give her a second shot because everyone makes a mistake from time to time.
Bubba's Avatar
  • Bubba
  • 07-27-2010, 12:15 PM
rayc.....I don't know how much experience you have in the "hobby." If you play long enough you will find that many of the ladies (certainly not all), for a variety of reasons, experience time-management issues. Sometimes life gets in the way, sometimes a client is late earlier in the day so it throws the rest of the day off and sometimes the lady simply isn't good at being on time.

My thought for your situation is this.....if you like the looks of the lady (you say you do) and she has some good reviews chalk this experience up to "shit happens" and try again. If she is known for having scheduling problems then you have to decide for yourself if she is worth the trouble.
  • rayc
  • 07-27-2010, 12:53 PM
Yeah, that's the sort of thing I'm keeping in mind and why I'm not deciding for certain right now. Not aware of any reviews though, so I have no idea if it's a common thing for her. Little frustrating, having driven all the way across town and sitting in a parking lot getting sweaty though. Thanks for the input, more always welcome.

ETA: Just did a search for her here (why didn't I think of that before? lol) and wasn't thrilled with the one I found.
as with all YMMV - I had a similar issue with a lady a while back and when we finally got together she tried really hard to make it up to me. So my best thought would be to do your recon and Post a request in the ISO folder with a link . Some guys will respond to a request even though they don't put up reviews and some ladies don't want reviews. I have answered some quesitons by PM that have not been put in reviews for a lady that asked for no review.
swarmyone's Avatar
I would give her a second chance. This might come as a shock to some of you that know me because I'm the first to dump on a NC/NS. What makes this different is that she called you as soon as it was possible for her to do so. This indicates to me that she does care and she was sorry for the missed appoinment.

Bubba is right. Many girls have time management issues...it comes with the territory. My issue is with double bookers and NC/NS 'ers. That is a complete disregard for my time. That does not appear to be the situation here. Of course its all up to you...your decision to make.
  • rayc
  • 07-27-2010, 10:38 PM
Thanks for the thoughts guys. Might give her a call again sometime down the road, but after meeting someone earlier tonight and plans to meet her once more in the morning I'll probably wait a while. I don't normally meet girls this often (the one tonight is most definitely worth tomorrow's meeting though ) so I'm spending more than I normally would already.
CaptainKaos's Avatar
Ray, I'm late to the party, but I want to say you've got a good attitude about this. In my experience, when you're laid back, relaxed and not pushy, the women (generally) aren't either and they leads to a really sweet time. I've been doing this for years, and I've only had a couple of bad experiences. But for the most part, when I've treated the ladies around here like a lady (cutting them slack and what not) they have responded in kind.
BiggestBest's Avatar
Either that or they like doormats for clients, I'm not sure which ...
If she's HOT she gets a second n third n forth......chance...
bustymaryjane's Avatar
Things do come up....we all have to deal with it time to time on both ends ....well worth a second chance . She made an effort to keep in touch and try. In this game patiences does pay off

Kiss Kiss
Have a great weekend everyone xoxoxoxo
  • rayc
  • 08-01-2010, 09:10 PM
Yeah, I can't say I wasn't annoyed at the time. I have been a doormat before so when I think someone's messing with me that's where I end up. But after thinking it over, taking into account she got in touch with me and apolgized, considering how tough scheduling must be for this stuff... I got over it.