Encounter: My Ken Doll needed a Barbie.

USAsoldier's Avatar
Date: 09/25/2020
Name: Nina Barbie/Nina Kash
User ID:: N/A
Phone: After verification she will provide
Email Address: www.onlyfans.com/ninabarbie
URL / Website: https://onlyfans.com/away?url=Https:...houstonbarbiex
City: Houston
State: -
Address: 45N Spring
Activities: DATO, BBBJ, RCG, CFS
Hair Length and Color: Long blonde with dark streaks.
Age: Early 20's
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: Black/African
Physical Description: Spinner with a beautiful bouncy ass and great DSL!
Recommendation: Yes
I think you got a review special in more than one way

Thanks for the heads up about the social media girls, there really are a lot of ladies working that angle. Something new to pursue is always good.
theonean's Avatar
30/month for 46 posts, no thanks