Encounter: Hot Time with Foxylady632 and Dahlia Doll

farmncityboy's Avatar
Date: Early Jan 21
Name: Faoxylady632/Dahlia Doll
Phone: will provide
Email Address: -
URL / Website: https://www.eccie.net/member.php?u=367970 https://www.eccie.net/member.php?u=542620
City: NWA
State: Arkansas
Address: NWA
Activities: see ros
Hair Length and Color: Foxylady632-shoulder length Brunette
Dahlia Doll-past shoulder length red
Age: 36 & 36
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: Foxylady632-I'd say 5'5", thin with nicely done tats, b cups, wonderful booty, freshly shaved kitty.
Dahlia Doll- I'd say 5'5". thin, a cups, a booty to die for, freshly shaved kitty with a trimmed red patch.
Recommendation: Yes
Tx Guy's Avatar
Parttimehobbyist's Avatar
I’m literally hard AF right now reading this. Wow....

👏 👏 👏
Nice review! Well done
hogmanjones's Avatar
Great review!
CH Luke's Avatar
Excellent! Great adventure!
Awesome experience!
Great review Farm! I'm always on the fence about doubles because the timing as too be right for everything to work. It's hard enough to get a date to work. Sounds like you caught it right.
Sweet goddess of love and beer, that's some next level shit there. Wow. Excuse me while I run to the bathroom and take care of business...........
rosh's Avatar
  • rosh
  • 01-07-2021, 01:15 PM
both my fav
farmncityboy's Avatar
Thanks guys, I'm trying to figure out when I can get together again with these two lovelies! They are HAWT!!!!
Would love to see a few from LR making their way back to NWA. Wish I could read that ROS, but alas, lost my premium. I can visualize it all anyway. Congratulations.