bad pick up lines...add yours

DallasRain's Avatar
You know how some men buy really expensive cars to make up for certain shortages? Well, I don't even own a car.

Cute dog. Does it have a phone number?
This isn't a beer belly, it's a fuel tank for a love machine.

ADD YOURS.............
London Rayne's Avatar
"Girl you got a butt like an onion, because every time I look at the thing it brings tears to my eyes." Sorry that's all I got. I have not had a guy use a line on me since I became a guaranteed thing lol.
My cousin used this once during spring break and it worked " Girl do you have a quarter, my mom told me to call her when I found the ONE!"
bluffcityguy's Avatar
Ah, nothing like the classics:

Do you have a mirror in your pocket? [No, why?] 'Cause I can see me in your pants.

My love for you is like diarrhea. I just can't hold it in.

[Note: for use when someone you know is getting married] Hi, I'm throwing the bachelor/bachelorette party for a friend of mine, and I need a stripper. Interested?

I don't speak in tongues, but I kiss that way.

Can I have your picture? [Why?] So I can show Santa what I want for Christmas!

Do you mind if we share this cab to my house?

Do you believe in love at first sight or do I have to walk by again?

I lost my teddy bear, can I sleep with you?

[Drop an ice cube so it shatters on the floor] Now that we've broken the ice, my name is...

Kiss me if I'm wrong, but isn't your name Guadalupe?

Got any raisins? [No.] Then how about a date?

I'm not feeling myself today, can I feel you?

And lastly, a forum-specific one:
Are you from Tennessee? [Yes/No, why?] Because you're the only 10 I see!

But if you Google "bad pick up lines" you'll get a metric boatload of hits, many of them webpages listing bad pick up lines by the dozens.


London Rayne's Avatar
SlowHand49's Avatar
Have you ever played leap frog naked?

Hi, my name is "Milk." I'll do your body good.

I'm an American Express shouldn't go home without me!
Did it hurt? (Did what hurt?) When you fell out of heaven?

Excuse me; can you empty your pockets? I believe you have stolen my heart.
1) Let's play house you can be the door and I can slam you from behind.
2) You must be tierd girl because you been running through my mind all day.
SlowHand49's Avatar
Actually, I can see Natale's sig line working as a pickup line:

"A good girl is hard to find. A bad girl is hard to resist."

Make that impossible to resist, for some of us . . .
DallasRain's Avatar
quote---1) Let's play house you can be the door and I can slam you from behind.

wooohooooooo yessssssssssssssssssssssssssss sss
Actually, I can see Natale's sig line working as a pickup line:

"A good girl is hard to find. A bad girl is hard to resist."

Make that impossible to resist, for some of us . . . Originally Posted by SlowHand49

I try babe.
London Rayne's Avatar
"You know what would look good on you?" "ME."

"Do you have any Italian in ya...want some?"

Men lol!
bluffcityguy's Avatar
"You know what would look good on you?" "ME." Originally Posted by London Rayne
"Damn, those clothes look good on you. But I think they'd look better on my bedroom floor."


Murf76's Avatar
A quote from a Dave Mason song....Do your legs ever get tired from running through my mind????
Abe Normal's Avatar
"Get in the truck, bitch" works for me