The government wants more people to spread Ebola

SEE3772's Avatar
Obama lies!
Government lies!
CDC lies!
WHO lies!
Flights still coming to America from west Africa.
Border is open to anyone who wants to cross.
Border laws are not enforced.
Taking those who are infected or may be infected to a public hospital instead of a level 4 bio facility.
Discharging those who show symptoms of Ebola.
Cleanup and containment...Not following proper protocol.

These are just some of the facts... Our reality!
If the boarder is still open you are able to leave whenever you please.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
That's the "independent" spirit, LittleEva! If you disagree with government, get out! Fuck the First Amendment! You don't like what government is doing? Get the hell out!

That's what made America great. We got rid of dissent.

And it's spelled "border", you moron. A "boarder" is the guy who lives with you.
That's the "independent" spirit, LittleEva! If you disagree with government, get out! Fuck the First Amendment! You don't like what government is doing? Get the hell out!

That's what made America great. We got rid of dissent.

And it's spelled "border", you moron. A "boarder" is the guy who lives with you. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
OMG you are dumb, did I reply to the government or the Op? Thanks dull knife the spelling police. < King shit dull knife.
Obama lies!
Government lies!
CDC lies!
WHO lies!
Flights still coming to America from west Africa.
Border is open to anyone who wants to cross.
Border laws are not enforced.
Taking those who are infected or may be infected to a public hospital instead of a level 4 bio facility.
Discharging those who show symptoms of Ebola.
Cleanup and containment...Not following proper protocol.

These are just some of the facts... Our reality! Originally Posted by SEE3772
That's because this whole thing is a Psy-Op. Remember Bird Flu, between 2009 and 2011. Well that was the same thing and they got discovered quick so now they need a new disease to scare the shit out of you with. They want you to be so rattled over this that when you see someone sneeze or cough you won't think of the cold or flu but rather Ebola. Now Ebola is a real disease it's basically contained in Africa it's actually hard to get and few cases compared to the flu which is prevalent all over the world. These supposed Ebola cases here are total bullshit. all of a sudden we have people coming into the country from Liberia with Ebola? It's always something, if it's not ISIS or immigration it's this fucking disease. Everybody lies. The media is nothing but a bunch of useful idiots trying to feed us total bullshit, it's so obvious. Here's a link to a good article on why this is all bullshit.
