Are you big down there?

itsjustme54's Avatar
Measure yourself and compare to averages and porn stars.

I hacked the site and entered myself as a porn star. If you're looking for an ego boost, compare yourself to my porn alter ego, "Little Evil!"

What do you gals think about the ideal size? I think, like boobs, there is no ideal size.
bluffcityguy's Avatar
Oh jebus... as if I don't have self-esteem issues as it is.


London Rayne's Avatar
5-6' is my ideal fit. Any bigger and I pass on the date and the money...grr!
bluffcityguy's Avatar
5-6' is my ideal fit. Any bigger and I pass on the date and the money...grr! Originally Posted by London Rayne
Hey, look at it this way... you have a way of rejecting hobbyists you don't want to see which will make them feel good about themselves.


bcg (in no danger of being rejected by London unless she has a minimum dick size limit... )
topsgt38801's Avatar
I wouldn't touch that with a ten foot pole. Would you believe a foot? No, didn't think so. Would you believe maybe I don't even need to be in this discussion?

SlowHand49's Avatar
5-6' is my ideal fit. Any bigger and I pass on the date and the money...grr! Originally Posted by London Rayne
*wondering if London has a measuring "box" similar to that one the airlines use to gauge whether your carry-on will fit in the overhead compartment . . .*

If it doesn't fit, you gotta git!
London Rayne's Avatar
LMAO!! I am so using that as my new slogan!! That is funny as all get out!

"If it doesen't fit, you gotta get." HAAAAAA!!!

Yes BCG I have made many guys feel good and bad at the same time.