Anyone seen this?,3372477.story

What bullshit. Who doesn't know Memphis always ranks in the top ten crime-ridden? And in the top three for cities our size? (We bounce between one and two on every crime statistic out there)

Everybody knows it, but we shouldn't acknowledge it? Don't look at it. WTF is that? I've seen this show. My kids have seen it. I think it portrays the police in an actual decent light. I really don't care how it portrays the criminals. The show I watched with my family led to a mini discussion about drugs and when my daughter will get to start cooking.

Anyone else seen the show? All together now..."Wanda Halbert is an idiot."
I've not seen the show, but I do echo your sentiment.

A politician is outraged that a reality show about her shithole city portrays her city as a shithole. Sounds about right for Memfo.

The show I watched with my family led to a mini discussion about drugs and when my daughter will get to start cooking. Originally Posted by babee
May want to rephrase that, given the current popularity of amatuer medicinal chemists around town
bluffcityguy's Avatar
Just got back from a quick trip to St. Louis to visit with a buddy, see my daughter (who happened to be in town visiting her mom, who is in the hospital), and see my Dad on Father's Day.

My buddy mentioned the show; apparently he's been watching it (which surprises me; I didn't think reality shows were his fare). Since he's visited me in Memphis a couple times, he doesn't think the city's that dangerous (obviously, where and when you're hanging out has to be factored in). Although he is quite cool with coming to the Bluff City, he did say that some of his friends up there are of the opinion that if you come to Memphis you're taking your life in your own hands unless you bring at least a squad of former recon Marines with you as a bodyguard (absent the recon Marines, former Navy SEALs will do in a pinch).

He did suggest that I be on the lookout for one of the policewomen featured on the show, a divorced blonde who is apparently quite babelicious, and try to hook up with her if at all possible. I told him I'd think about it.

