I wanted to post an ad...

for valentines day... but Im not verified and Ive been here for over a week... so Im not sure where to post... any help would be welcomed

i think you have to send the mods a link to your reviews and ask for provider status.
i think
copied this for you:

Welcome to ECCIE.NET!

You may post a weekly ad in the ad forums once you have been upgraded to Verified Provider.

Submit your info to the staff in your area (San Antonio).

1. website address (your website or advertising site)
2. referral from another provider or hobbyist
3. links to reviews from recognized members (any site)

Any combination of the above requirements which will sufficiently establish you as a legit provider will be accepted.

The verification process could take 24 to 48 hours.
Yeah I had a review about a week ago, but I noticed it said reviewS soooo that could be the hangup Ive sent a couple of emails out.

But until I get verified there is no place for me?
do you have a website?
other than the reviewer, have you met any others that can vouch for you?
those seem like other alternatives
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 02-11-2011, 06:06 PM
Yeah I had a review about a week ago, but I noticed it said reviewS soooo that could be the hangup Ive sent a couple of emails out.

But until I get verified there is no place for me? Originally Posted by finlay
There is definitely a place for you here.

The more reviews or vouches from other well known members the easier it will be. If you have ads posted on other sites that will help as well.