Due to unfortunate circumstances...

I have to cancel my tour to your area...I apologize to all that have booked or inquired about me, but I plan to visit soon...
ElumEno's Avatar
I'm sorry to hear this, Hope everything is good with you.
Let us know when you can make it up this way.
pmdelites's Avatar
natalie, hope circumstances become more fortunate for you.
hope to visit you when i get back to dallas.
Enchanterlingum's Avatar
It was the smart and responsible thing to do. I hope you get to feeling better soon.

Liquids, vitamin C, bed rest.
ElumEno's Avatar
malwoody's Avatar
ElumEno's Avatar
malwoody's Avatar
Natalie I hope you come back sooner than later....Hows that foot Elum?
I'll be available in KS City November 22nd-24th :-)

See you soon,
