Fallen Soldiers

I just noticed tonight that Darkey Kong had his account disabled and lately I've been checking the Questions for Staff forum to see who leaves....some guys that have left that I enjoyed their posts and sometimes private pm's:
Ride Free in Texas
Jimmy Hendrix
Well Endowed
Lots more...anyone you guys occasionally remember?
The Wall of Fallen Hobbyists
mrredcat43's Avatar
I saw that tonight too. I enjoyed DK's posts
I 3rd that.
Makes me reflect when my handle will be called to end this hobby lifestyle, and why.

I was warned that I might die 4+ years ago and I kept my hobby membership account active as a hedge against the threat. (A little reverse psychology.) However, I did die 3+ years ago and for several minutes longer than is "medically recommended". Nevertheless, the surgical team found a way to revive me, add new hardware, repair some heart valves and my chest frame and put me on a treadmill. 4 months later, I was back in the hobby. I selected nurses I knew in the RW and mature ladies as part of my rehab.

So, I have been around the circuit of come backs and did not hand in my handle membership card.

Sure, we all have our reasons for what we choose.

I hope that the appreciated hobbyists understand that they gained our appreciation and chose to depart this board on their own terms.

Hobby life gets boring and expensive. I announced earlier this year that I was leaving too, but that changed once I found out about my deployment.

I can't speak for the other but for me it's several reasons:

1) unsafe practices by others in the hobby. Not just the rampart BBFS going on, but the constant drama and lack of respect for the bro-code from some of the males in the community.

2) rates. When I first started hobbying 3 years ago the normal rate was 100-150 hhr and 200-250 an hour. Those rates have gone to 200 hhr and 300-350 an hour. Not trying to hijack this thread, but now I have to hobby less when before I could see up to 4 girls a month, I'm barely seeing 2.

3) NBA policy. I personally love all pussy no matter what color, but it sux seeing a hot sexy Caucasian or Hispanic female pop up in the WW, and seeing "No AA" at the bottom of the ad, or having to ask if she is AA friendly. The AA males in this community isn't that big and I have noticed that we all tend to pass the same girls around to each other behind the scenes. I have seen plenty of ladies that I can never review because of close minded people.

Again these are MY gripes. Even though I plan on leaving the country for 6 months, I don't think I'll be coming back to Eccie with the current trends going on. Guess we will see in 6 months!
  • Gbfsl
  • 10-09-2016, 06:27 AM
Txboi817: excellent response. The unsafe practices of a few of the new "idols" of our world; the so predictable useless banter among the same trolls on every thread; and the ever increasing prices take a lot of the fun out of this ECCIE site. It is a new ECCIE. Nothing is ever the same. Whether a second later, a month later or a hundred years later. Things are constantly changing. It can never be the same. We can either adjust or just move on.

My sex hormones are still way too active for me to walk away from the practice, but I hardly ever do ECCIE reviews any more. Just not worth the hassle that I would get from both other hobbiest with stupid, smart-ass comments to even other providers about who I was seeing. I still find it entertaining (?!) to read the coed section and I find myself using the review section more to see who to avoid versus my previous use of it to find new ladies I want to see. But I do still use it.

I miss the comments from those listed. I know there are many more, just can't remember their handles.

This is the new ECCIE.
Mojojo's Avatar
In my observation here some people never leave they just go UTR..
In my observation here some people never leave they just go UTR.. Originally Posted by Mojojo
True statement. If you have decent amount of atf's to rotate through and a grandfathered rate there really isn't much need for the uncertainty of a new provider with higher rates, gps, and lackluster services. As is probably the case with the guys listed above.
albundy's Avatar
Speaking of guys who do crazy shit, I just noticed that "Catbanger" hasn't posted since May.

Pussy forever!! long live:

Jarred silver tongue devil
The captain

and of course.... the honorable mention goes to....

Duthgar1976's Avatar
im gunna miss Darkey he was a good hobby friend and he gave me a lot of advice. i shall have a drink in his honor ... i may not be very active in the hobby anymore but im still here.
Bob the Nailer's Avatar
Roadking and Hooter made me giggle. Hadn't thought of them in a long time

rexdutchman's Avatar
I one sure thing in life is change , time to much BS it loses its allure why people leave =good luck
TinMan's Avatar
Pussy forever!! long live:

Jarred silver tongue devil
The captain

and of course.... the honorable mention goes to....

HOOTER! Originally Posted by cage196
That's a diverse list lol!
Interesting that no providers have chimed in...which might answer the question in another thread about having feelings for anyone lol.

Perhaps Logan should be given honorable mention .
Before my time actually but I caught alot of his quotes
TinMan's Avatar
Logan appears to have done it the right way. He didn't announce it or even ask for his account to be disabled. He just faded away.