Mom who left son in closet advertised herself as an escort

This is so sad but at least the boy is ok now
DallasRain's Avatar
that is a sad story
berkleigh's Avatar
Omg she needs to be beaten senseless like she did that poor child. Sad thing is she could probably care less that her son is gone ... now she as she pleases. That's horrible. One can only imagine what that baby went thru. Hope cps takes him away for good. Ugh..people like that make me sick.
Hope the kid has family that will take him, otherwise he will end up a statistic in the system both as a child, juvenile and adult repeating the cycle.
Sad, so sad that a mother would do this...!!!

Bad Mommy....

What a sick bitch! Somebody needs to lock her in the closet!!!
No, i think she should be forced to have a full hystorectamy(sp) so she cannot breed anymore and beaten sensless every week for two years as it appears she has done the same to that little innocent child.