Sexxy Shay - Absolute Must see

silverstate53's Avatar
I had another chance to enjoy some Shay this week - wont bother to review again as it would be one of the too frequent reviews - but suffice to say OH HELL YES !!!
Very Nice lady for sure. I have only visited her once but she really takes her time to make sure you enjoy the session.
silverstate53's Avatar
She is genuine and thats one of her appealing factors - of course along with her thru the roof passion !!
Thanks for sharing which means a lot coming from a hobbyist such as yourself. Based on yours other others reviews I have reached out to her and she has been kind enough to give me a heads up when she comes this way but it never seems to be in my hobby window. Hopefully she will not give up on me.
Yeah, I didn't do a review on her but DAMN DAMN DAMN. That SS is a motherfucker
tok07's Avatar
  • tok07
  • 03-23-2017, 09:41 PM
Is there a link ?
Is there a link ? Originally Posted by tok07

Just read her reviews man!! Just read her reviews!!
silverstate53's Avatar
Her showcase is currently down by design - but take it from us - she is a def hot milf who will SS the fuck out of you among other tallents !
Her showcase is currently down by design - but take it from us - she is a def hot milf who will SS the fuck out of you among other tallents ! Originally Posted by silverstate53
Amen ... Amen ... Amen!! Can I get a "Hallelujah"!! Keep preaching Brother Silver!!
mrredcat43's Avatar
I feel like there's a group of us standing around the water cooler talking of the latest gaming console, and I have no idea what you're talking about, I'm still stuck with the colecovision
drinkindreamin's Avatar
I've been reading the reviews and posts about Shay . I've seen her several times myself. She is impressive and the descriptions are accurate. I saw her first of this week myself. I damn near had to go interrupt as sliver had her bird dogged at the place she was staying..I felt like I almost got long dicked if you know what I mean?? Honestly that cut into my time and presented an awkward cautious moment for me thinking WTF just happen? Do I need to bolt ?? Which I didn't think was cool but this is the hobby your not real sure WTF you might encounter?? It's my understanding she sees some regulars in Shreveport and occasionally she'll take on somebody new if the references look ok. She seems to have cut back with her hobby time being the reason the profile is limited because of real life issues and interests. I did not write this as a pissing contest just to state the facts.
silverstate53's Avatar
drinkin i was there that day awaiting a lunch date with a lady friend and nothing to do with shay but she did say hello and she was running late for a date
drinkindreamin's Avatar
I can't say why you just happened to be in area nor do I care. It just seems the by chance meet was a lil bit convenient. I do know it caused an awkward moment and some confusion. Yes she was late that morning from your previous late night and a delay from house keeping. We've PMed one another. I've spoken my piece and discussed the matter. I don't have anything else to say and consider the matter resolved. I can't say we accomplished anything but you know my point of view. You have a good day.
silverstate53's Avatar
You do the same dude - she is a firecracker