Trying to help a provider (32 weeks preg and addicted)

Diggylo's Avatar
I am putting this out here in an effort to help a provider that is really struggling and she has been reaching out for help but i can't seem to find any free programs that will allow for pregnant women that will actually return the call. I have personally called for her and still nothing, i call everyday but nothing.

I am worried for her because she is asking for help but can't seem to get anyone to respond. I have personally called Nexus and every center someone has provided the name for. If anyone knows any place i can help get this young lady too please let me know.

Mods i don't think i am in violation of anything but please know I am truly just trying to help. Oh need help here in Dallas or surrounding area.
Pangolier's Avatar
Being pregnant is usually grounds for Medicaid qualification even in states such as Texas that are not expanded medicaid states. Unless she owns a house or has lots of income / assets, then she could look for ACA. Of course, these social programs and "rehab centers" will not be luxurious. If you want something like Passages Malibu, she's going to have to pay out of the nose for it.
Laura Lynn's Avatar
Maybe she can do a walk in at a behavioral hospital, like University Behavioral Hospital in Denton or any other one that does free intake assessments. That might get the ball rolling on the other services that she'll need.

I wish her luck.
Kmac's Avatar
  • Kmac
  • 08-26-2022, 07:03 AM
Maybe this? Had a friend who swears by this place.
Deja Tha Doll's Avatar
2209 South Main Street
Fort Worth, TX 76110

Cenikor Foundation has been providing alcohol and drug addiction rehab services in Texas and Louisiana for more than 50 years. It offers a full continuum of care, including residential stays, intensive outpatient programs, and ongoing support. Specialized programs include adolescent inpatient and outpatient services, as well as one designed specifically for pregnant or recently postpartum women. Sober living homes are also available. Cenikor is a 501(c)3 nonprofit that focuses on providing affordable yet high-quality support services. The Fort Worth center primarily offers long-term residential treatment with an emphasis on equipping clients for ongoing sobriety by helping them find employment, stable housing, and a sobriety support system, along with developing essential skills such as financial management.
What patients are saying:
Patient reviews tend to note that the program is strict and can be challenging but that it provides essential skills for recovering. One reviewer says, “Cenikor teaches you to stop making excuses and to depend on yourself,” and another notes, “If you want a better life, at Cenikor you can get the tools needed to have a better life. It’s simple, but you have to want it.”
  • 4.38 stars
  • 67 reviews
Hope this helps..

Also this place can be free for her as well. You just have to ask them what number do you call to see if you can qualify for funding.

I wish her and her unborn the best of luck and recovery.

Thank you for helping her btw.
Go to a mential health hospital and have her tell them she wants to harm herself. That will get her up to a 72 hour observation in hospital. THey may then be able to point her to other resources
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Okay. I appreciate everyone trying to be helpful to the OP, but let's get with reality here. Don't you think there is a reason why nobody wants to return the OP's calls? Why would they? She is eight months fucking pregnant with no money and no insurance. Can you imagine the liability nightmare this woman will be when she gives birth to a child who has been abused like that in a womb for 8 months minimum to date?

I may sound harsh, but I do live in reality. We live in quite the litigious society where someone has to pay and this lady I doubt will take ownership of the likely outcome so unless she goes to jail (as she should and eventually will), nobody is going to be returning any calls for that liability nightmare. At least in jail, she will have medical care and 3 hots and a cot... good for her for wanting help now. Bad for her stupid ass for endangering her unborn innocent child for 8 months before she tried to get the help for herself that the child deserved.

So just in case my answer to the OP's question was not clear enough about where his lady friend should go, my answer is JAIL where she belongs anyway for being a weak-minded selfish asshole.
Vanilla Gorilla's Avatar
Have her call 1.800.Captain.Save.A.Hoe.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Maybe this? Had a friend who swears by this place. Originally Posted by Kmac

The Magdalena House is wonderful but focuses on alcoholic females going through the initial stages of withdrawals. Some there are also drug addicts but they mostly focus on alcoholics during the first two weeks of not drinking. Then, they assist in finding the next steps for their clients well being.

Nexus Recovery is what you're looking for. They accept women with no funds and in the past, they allowed women with children to live there during the recovery process.

Being indigent isn't a problem, either. They accept anyone. My information is old, though, since I haven't been a part of that world in over ten years.

Having no funds is fine with the Magdalena House as well. It's a phenomenal place. Perhaps a good starting point to inquire.

But not knowing her drug of choice it's difficult to give specific advice.

It's good she is finding help now. If she goes into a hospital addicted, she will lose the child to the foster system and could be charged with a crime.

Hope this helps.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Have her call 1.800.Captain.Save.A.Hoe. Originally Posted by Vanilla Gorilla

Such an unhelpful post and attitude.

You should have her to reach out to one of the local “Pro Life” organization, Governor Abbott’s campaign in addition to to any of the large churches/houses of worship supporting the strict anti abortion movement and ask for immediate help. She should also tell them that she’s also reaching out to Planned Parenthood.

I’m not being facetious or partisan as this is a serious matter, but in this current environment those groups are not likely to refuse assisting an at risk pregnant young lady on the heals of outlawing abortion, especially in an election year. She should use any leverage you available have to get the help she needs.
TexTushHog's Avatar
You should have her to reach out to one of the local “Pro Life” organization, Governor Abbott’s campaign in addition to to any of the large churches/houses of worship supporting the strict anti abortion movement and ask for immediate help. She should also tell them that she’s also reaching out to Planned Parenthood.

I’m not being facetious or partisan as this is a serious matter, but in this current environment those groups are not likely to refuse assisting an at risk pregnant young lady on the heals of outlawing abortion, especially in an election year. She should use any leverage you available have to get the help she needs. Originally Posted by Golden Man
Those assholes are shameless. They won’t give anyone in true need the time of day.

And liability concerns are what’s keeping hospitals from taking care of her. The real issue is uncompensated care. I hadn’t liability suits, including med mail. No good lawyer will touch that case. And bad lawyers cant afford the $15,000 to $25,000 it takes to get a pre-suit expert report, or the dozens and dozens hours and $50,000+ expecting get past summary judgment. And then your damages are capped at $300,000 after you’ve spent $100,000 in expenses.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 08-30-2022, 07:34 PM
What I don't understand is hundreds of dollars per nut and be in a situation? she's gotta fix the main problem before anything, as long as tricks keep on saving, they'll keep asking.
sn't there a Dallas helpline number like 611 or something like that? Maybe the fellow sisters can spare some crumbs and help one of there own?
CG2014's Avatar
Pretty sure that is more a halfway house for alcohol and substance abuse.

Try contacting The Love Life Foundation in McKinney. Maylee Thomas-Fuller is the director. She is the wife of McKinney Mayor George Fuller. They are very active in womens issues, and could possibly give you direction. Not sure the phone number but they own the Guitar Sanctuary in McKinney