I now that honesty goes a long way. So I wanted to say my side of the story on Cycmikes review about me. Sorry its taking me some time to write this but I've been away from my computer.
Yes Cycmikes review is 100% accurate. I'm in need of a lot of dental work but I'm in the process of getting it taken care of. Stupid choices I made in the past. I'm not proud of them but it doesn't make me less of a person.
Really in person I'm very sweet and very down to earth. I love to take my time and get to now my clients personally.
So if your making your choice on one bad review out of the 2 good ones that's on you guys. None of us are perfect and we ALL have our flaws. Some people's flaws show while other's don't.
I hope you guys appreciate my honesty and hopefully I will be meeting some of you guys soon.