Documented Panick Among Democrats At Large:

ICU 812's Avatar

My takeaway from this article"

There was a teleconference with the Bifen campaign leadership, the DNC leadership and nationally ranking democrats yesterday.

Elected officials and other important Democrats on the conference call from across the country were appalled at the fiddle-wile-Rome-burns attitude pf the party leaders and the campaign insiders.

This what happens when you only pay attention to one news source. I have bounced baxk and forth between CNN and Fox on a regular basis to see how stories were reported and what subjects were ignored by each camp ever since the 2-2- election and more often since the 2022 midterms. Fox has repeatedly showcased Mr. Biden's decline. Not CNN.

Apparently, the Democrats in general did not watch Fox at all.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
The article reads like spin cycle and control, aka gaslighting. There was a fundraiser in the Hamptons, recall a known OBama hangout, later followed by one in NJ with Governor there.

Then we have this unauthenticated video purportedly leaked from inside a meeting room which seems to aptly describes the overall mood of the DNC writ large ATM. Could be Russian disinformation and I would expect blaming Trump for cheap fakes etc, etc, etc. But it sure seems to sum up the mood emerging behind their closed doors.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar

My takeaway from this article"

There was a teleconference with the Bifen campaign leadership, the DNC leadership and nationally ranking democrats yesterday.

Elected officials and other important Democrats on the conference call from across the country were appalled at the fiddle-wile-Rome-burns attitude pf the party leaders and the campaign insiders.

This what happens when you only pay attention to one news source. I have bounced baxk and forth between CNN and Fox on a regular basis to see how stories were reported and what subjects were ignored by each camp ever since the 2-2- election and more often since the 2022 midterms. Fox has repeatedly showcased Mr. Biden's decline. Not CNN.

Apparently, the Democrats in general did not watch Fox at all. Originally Posted by ICU 812
If you have followed the polls on the subject, Democrats did not want Biden to run for reelection from the beginning and Republicans did not want Trump on the ballot.

Most believed it was time to move on and were not listened to.

... PANIC! ...

... It's ALL OVER for Biden! ...
Will they even let him finish out the year??

#### Salty
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Biden didn’t say “January 6th” and “Convicted Felon” enough.

His handlers must have finally figured out that that BS wasn’t been working.
HoHound's Avatar
We are witnessing the collapse of the Bolshevik, Communist, Pedocrats. It's a beautiful thing to witness.
The Democrats, through their willing Lackeys in the Main Stream a media, have been lying about Biden’s state of mind and health for the past two years.

That dumb ass Biden even said……..”Waych me”.

America did.

Why is everybody so shocked?

The next big shock will be when all of the evidence comes together and Biden and his entire fucking Familly is revealed to be the criminals they are.

The cows are coming home, the chickens are starting to roost. The dam is about to break.

Anybody with half a brain shouldn’t be surprised. Biden is and always has been a corrupt piece of shit.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
For the Good of the Country, It's Time for Some Pundits to Retire

Biden was bad. There is no sugarcoating that. Whenever people said to me that Biden should not debate [D]ump this cycle because that conferred legitimacy and normalcy on a criminal, my response was always that perhaps another incumbent president in this situation would be able to get away with that, but not Biden. That is because the main concern undecided voters had with Biden was his ability to do this for four more years. Ducking debates would only worsen that perception. He had to debate and show those voters that he had what it takes to do the toughest job in the world for four more years.

On that score he failed.

He looked old, tired, and struggled to maintain focus and to express himself forcefully and coherently. It was certainly cause for serious concern, and I don't completely dismiss those who expressed theirs. But there is a vast difference between expressing disappointment, frustration and concern, and calling for an incumbent president to drop out of the race after he has secured the nomination. Those are the people I am talking about right now.

With all of that said, what would be the pathway forward to replacing Biden at this point? When you game out scenarios, none seems entirely satisfactory. All will fracture the Democratic base. [ ] Now the pundits, almost all of whom said nothing back then, are calling for Biden to step down at the worst possible time.

Profiles in courage.

If Joe and Jill decide that now is the time to step aside, they will come to that decision on their own after listening to the small handful of people they trust completely. It should be obvious to anyone that their circle of trust is very tight, and includes few people. While we can't know for certain what the discussions amongst that tight circle is with the Bidens right now, none of them have joined the public chorus of critics.

I told you.

I fuckin' told you.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
The Democrats, through their willing Lackeys in the Main Stream a media, have been lying about Biden’s state of mind and health for the past two years.... Originally Posted by Jackie S
1) You don't have to be a Meathead to see his performance was a 'disaster', ironically enough from Rob Reiner yesterday.

2) While dementia is a non-reversible, progressive condition, it progresses logrythmicaly. That is, it speeds up as time moves forward. The rate of decline increases faster and faster. I have seen this in parents and other relatives.

Kinda catches ya off guard. Imagine what people who have been shielded from it by the main stream media must have thought upon witnessing the current state of the BI-DONE.