What's the quickest way to ruin a woman's sex drive? Marry her!
I'm referring to Significant Others living together, married or not. If we're honest with ourselves, we've all noticed how a woman's interest in sex begins to wane rather quickly upon entering a committed relationship. (and yes, there are certainly a few exceptions)
While aging is a factor, even younger women can lose interest. Young, healthy women often go months, even years without sex. And they don't miss it all that much. Love is still there. Sex falls off the list. This may be a good situation for the wonderful hobby ladies we've all come to love here. But I'm sure they'd tell us too, that being in a committed relationship would effect them, as well.
My question is not, "why". There are numerous reasons brought on by both partners.
My question is, "when"? In the gentleman's experience, how far into a committed relationship do you begin to notice your lady's interest in sex for herself, for you, or for your relationship begin to wane?
My observation is 2 years (+-6 months).