Wolf Blitzer Gets Called Out For False Reporting

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Seems like someone’s got “an emotional attachment” to media reports about Government.

All the Main Stream Media outlets are intertwined one way or the other. Journalism is basically dead it's all activist now. They are only telling viewers what they want them to hear not what they need to hear. They use all kinds of tactics. Originally Posted by Levianon17
It is notable how they all come up with the exact same talking point on every subject.

It all probably starts with the Obama wing in The White House. They put together the edited videos in order to skew Trump’s words, get it out by 6:00AM so everybody from Morning Joe to the Bitches on the View can rehearse the lines verbatim. The videos come with instructions on how to look deeply concerned about the possibility of another Trump Presidency.

They obviously do not fact check anything. Most, like Blitzer, doesn’t dare because he knows he can be cancelled at the drop of a hat.

While everybody seems to be so concerned about Artificial Intelligence controlling minds, they should really be concerned about people on screen with zero intelligence parroting the Liberal/Progressive/Socialist/Democrat sludge.
I just listened to the tape. I assume it is unedited (see link below). Trump refers to the person who killed the student in Georgia calling him an animal. He then states that Pelosi has asked Trump to not call THEM animals (plural) and Trump says THEY (plural) are animals, meaning to me all immigrants. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
“THEM” in this context was a reference to gang members, specifically MS13. It’s not the first time he’s said it, the feigned outrage machine was in high gear in 2018 over the same thing. There’s plenty to criticize Trump about, pretending not to understand his words isn’t really necessary.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Nothing Trump says is born of goodwill or compassion.

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
“THEM” in this context was a reference to gang members, specifically MS13. It’s not the first time he’s said it, the feigned outrage machine was in high gear in 2018 over the same thing. There’s plenty to criticize Trump about, pretending not to understand his words isn’t really necessary. Originally Posted by CreatedInSpace
And how do you know that Trump was referring to gang members, specifically MS13 when he referred to "them". I took the quote for what it said, not looking back at past Trump quotes. "Them" is not specific. You can assume whatever you want.This is another nothingburger.
txdot-guy's Avatar
And how do you know that Trump was referring to gang members, specifically MS13 when he referred to "them". I took the quote for what it said, not looking back at past Trump quotes. "Them" is not specific. You can assume whatever you want.This is another nothingburger. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
When people talk in generalities rather than specifics it can lead to assumptions about what they are actually saying. In this case it becomes clear that he meant to call all immigrants animals but left it vague enough to deny it if needed. This is a pretty standard practice for Trump. Dog Whistling at its finest.
ICU 812's Avatar
So, BBlitzer was spreading malicious misinformation then?
Now do #NewsForDumbFox
You’re just making stuff up if you go along here. How very ‘Murikkkan of you. …..

If the Buddhist are correct, I want to come back with the confidence of an untraveled, unread, uncouth, uneducated, uncool, undeserving middle-aged white guy.
All the Main Stream Media outlets are intertwined one way or the other. Journalism is basically dead it's all activist now. They are only telling viewers what they want them to hear not what they need to hear. They use all kinds of tactics. Originally Posted by Levianon17
There are more professional investigative journalist now than ever before. They’re certainly not found on any corporate sponsored media platform. They’re on the Internet and they rely on reader subscriptions.
Excuse me? The right wing nut jobs have far more narrative control than the Democratic party. Not that it’s relevant. They both are unworthy.. You’re suffering from the illusion of choice.
Ducbutter's Avatar
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
It is notable how they all come up with the exact same talking point on every subject... Originally Posted by Jackie S
Notable?!? I would call it Extremely Dangerous!! Dis is how deh do it...


Longer narrative explored here:
The base principle is simple - repeat a lie often enough and it becomes truth. Leastwise for the sheeple, aka the masses. Plus, it is super easy, because you hear the same thing from multiple sources at the same time, ergo - it must be true. Don't fall for it. While your head is a good place to sport a hat of your liking, it can also contain a functioning brain or brain stem in the case of the Demonicrats.

The media coordination and manipulation goes by many names.
  • Operation Mockingbird (Wikipedia)
  • Talking Point of the Day
  • Talking Point Du Jour
  • 4AM Talking points
  • Outrage of the Day
  • Brain Washing
  • Programming
  • Conditioning
  • Propaganda
  • Fear Porn
...This is extremely dangerous to our Democracy. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
What is extremely dangerous to our democracy is a Press that is sold out to the dictates of one political party..

When our Founding Fathers included “freedom of the press” in our Bill of Rights,, they never envisioned a press taking its marching orders from one political entity.

In the old Soviet Union, it was Pravda. In the United States, it’s ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, The New York Times, Washington Post, ……..etc.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
What is extremely dangerous to our democracy is a Press that is sold out to the dictates of one political party..

When our Founding Fathers included “freedom of the press” in our Bill of Rights,, they never envisioned a press taking its marching orders from one political entity.

In the old Soviet Union, it was Pravda. In the United States, it’s ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, The New York Times, Washington Post, ……..etc. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Yeah, verily. Remember when a fair and independent press was considered The Fourth Estate. Also, it was considered essential. Today, it's more like Pravda and part of the Deep State of unelected apparatchiks.