Interesting Texas Republican Primary

It seems the Tea Party is alive and well in Texas.

While the National Republicans are doing everything they can to discount The Tea Party, it seems the most powerful position in the State, Lieutenant Governor, will be held by a Tea Party Candidate.
Most Texans view Dewhurst as damaged goods. While I am no big fan of Dan Patrick, he has tapped into the issues that the majority of Texans hold dear.
Come November, the GOP regulars are in for a big shock, as are the Democrats...the Tea Party is stronger now than ever - at all levels (national, state, and local elections)!
Come November, the GOP regulars are in for a big shock, as are the Democrats...the Tea Party is stronger now than ever - at all levels (national, state, and local elections)! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Great News for Dems from Trendy Trendaway's Prediction Desk:

LexusLover's Avatar
Come November, the GOP regulars are in for a big shock, as are the Democrats...the Tea Party is stronger now than ever - at all levels (national, state, and local elections)! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I beg to differ with you ....

....somewhere buried in the bullshit on here is a prediction that Cornyn was toast....

Wishful thinking and narrowed views based on our own don't win elections.

Here was the pre-election bullshit, hype from the "know-it-alls" up East ...

As for the Great Female Hope ... for Texas ...

Wendy was a poor investment ... a Pinto with a new paint job.
The Bush family has found out how to get the Latino vote they marry one.
Not a single Tea Party-favored incumbent being challenged by the Republican establishment lost in Tuesday’s election. Meanwhile, one liberal Republican senator and three incumbent House members fell to tea party-backed challenges. The attempt by trial lawyers to play in the GOP primary and take out three conservative Supreme Court justices failed miserably.
Houston state Sen. Dan Patrick, Tea Party favorite, author of anti-abortion legislation, advocate for school choice, seal-the-border campaigner and self-proclaimed Christian leader, didn’t just beat incumbent David Dewhurst and two other state officeholders in Tuesday’s Republican primary race for lieutenant governor. He walloped them.
LexusLover's Avatar
Not a single Tea Party-favored incumbent being challenged by the Republican establishment lost in Tuesday’s election. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Was Cornyn favored by the Tea Party?

Just asking. I don't keep up with that trivia. Or was the Tea Party against him before the returns, and now for him?
NO !

Was Cornyn favored by the Tea Party?

Just asking. I don't keep up with that trivia. Or was the Tea Party against him before the returns, and now for him? Originally Posted by LexusLover
LexusLover's Avatar
Was Stockman?
Stockman had some TP support; but most TP people I know accepted that Cornyn was unbeatable and although they don't like some of Cornyn politics he is palatable.

He lost a lot of support with his recent vote supporting the debt ceiling increase.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
with the exception of nerds and music, Texas is 5 years behind the rest of the US. Klan is still alive here too, dipshits.
with the exception of nerds and music, Texas is 5 years behind the rest of the US. Klan is still alive here too, dipshits. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I think we have them beat on Bar-B-Que too.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Sorry, but Kansas City MEANS barbecue. Texas is good, for sure, but the for the best, it's KC. The only reason God put pigs on the Ark was because He knew that there would be a Kansas City someday.
Sorry, but Kansas City MEANS barbecue. Texas is good, for sure, but the for the best, it's KC. The only reason God put pigs on the Ark was because He knew that there would be a Kansas City someday. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Give me a friggin' break! God put pigs on the Ark because he knew you would be sexually attracted to only swine and men.

As for good barbecue, there are more excellent BBQ joints within a 75 mile radius of Austin, Tx. than you will find in the entire states of Kansas, Mizzou, Tn and NC combined. (And that's not even counting the tasty barbecue to be found in Houston and DFW.)