Another round of democratic broken promises

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I'm curious as to how Bush will be blamed or the left give Clinton AND OBAMA a pass for this betrayal. In 1994 Bill Clinton wanted the Ukraine to give up it's nuclear weapons and downsize it's military. After some discussion Ukraine foolishly gave in but only after a written agreement was signed between Russia, Ukraine, France, the United Kingdom, and the United States that Ukraine's borders would be respected. Clinton also promised to defend the Ukraine in the event of problems with Russia. A written agreement!

"The next stage was the signing on January 14, 1994 of the Trilateral Statement by the Presidents of Ukraine, Russia, and the United States under which Ukraine was to destroy all nuclear weapons on its territory, including strategic offensive weapons. Ukraine, Washington and Moscow reached an agreement in January that allowed for the dismantling of Ukraine's 176 Intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBMs) ahead of Kiev's formal ratification of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).[4][5] France and China provided unilateral security assurances in the form of diplomatic notes. The missiles—130 SS-18s and 46 SS-24s—carried about 1,800 nuclear warheads altogether. Before voting on accession, Ukraine demanded from Russia, the USA, France and the United Kingdom a written statement that these powers undertook to extend the security guarantees to Ukraine. Instead security assurances to Ukraine (Ukraine published the documents as guarantees given to Ukraine),[6] given on 5 December 1994 at a formal ceremony in Budapest (known as the Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances[7]), may be summarized as follows: Russia, the UK and the USA undertake to respect Ukraine's borders in accordance with the principles of the 1975 CSCE Final Act, to abstain from the use or threat of force against Ukraine, to support Ukraine where an attempt is made to place pressure on it by economic coercion, and to bring any incident of aggression by a nuclear power before the UN Security Council."--wikipedia, nuclear weapons and ukraine

In 2009 Barack Obama confirmed the continuing commitment to this treaty. Obama promised to protect the Ukraine against Russian aggression. If they would continue to disarm.

"In a joint statement on December 4, 2009 the presidents of the United States and Russia, Barack Obama and Dmitry Medvedev, confirmed the assurances of security to Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Belarus given on the heels of these countries' consent in 1994 to give up their nuclear weapons.[8]
"--wikipedia, nuclear weapons and ukraine

So we can take away that any promise made for protection by a democrat is worthless and that includes you giving up your weapons on the promise that the police will be there to protect you.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Okay then. You can't argue with the facts. This is a debacle of Obama's making supported by Bill Clinton, aided and abetted by the SoS Hillary Clinton.

I can also point out how Obama pulled back the missile defense shield from Poland and the Czech Republic but then you have to answer why he did it. If we got into that then we would have to talk impeachment again.