Hello kansas..you suck.


That title pic is JD -I think.
Apparently , education was not what the founding farters had in mind.
Brownback's strategy is to dumb down the electorate so they go from republican to tea party.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-08-2014, 08:26 PM
GOP led states want to cut school funding because those old fuckers will be dead by the time those poor under educated kids in Kansas start looking for a job. Great short term planning...horrible long term outlook. Right up LexusLover's ally!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
What do the Founding Fathers have to do with this? They were interpreting the Kansas state constitution, not the federal one. And for the record, the federal Constitution says NOTHING about education, unless you count the Ninth and Tenth Amendments leaving all non-enumerated powers to the states or the citizens.

This ruling was unbelievable. The Court is telling the legislature how much it is required to spend, which essentially gives the Court the power to tax. I can't believe that every member of the Kansas Supreme Court is so ignorant (or power hungry) to render such a preposterous interpretation of the law.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Brownback's strategy is to dumb down the electorate so they go from republican to tea party. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Dumbing down would leave them voting democratic.

Apologies for my absence, dealing with a family death but I'm back now.

While claiming that Kansas sucks did you notice that other states have made the same cuts....I guess they all suck but I suspect you're some kind of anti-Kansas bigot.

Brownback had to deal with a large budget shortfall when he took office. Part of that response was to do some cutting.

I wonder why you didn't point out about the meddling of Michelle Obama in the school lunch programs around the country. A lot of food was thrown away. Why is this important? Kansas is the origin of the video that humiliated Moochelle.


It would be nice if someone knew something about this before they post. Eva is a prime example and UB probably can't find Kansas on a map. Basically this thread is done already. Stick a fork in it.

I will point out that COG is right this time. Taxing is not the responsibility of the courts but I will point out that in Missouri a single judge decided to tax the citizens of Missouri 1 billion dollars over 20+ years to rebuild the KCMO school system which is still not accredited.

A few years ago the court decided that the parents of Johnson county (Kansas) could NOT tax themselves more to create a better school system for their children. If they raised their taxes then a portion had to go state wide so it would be "fair". Courts are supposed to decide constitutional and not "fair".
pyramider's Avatar
Kansas and Missouri show how decades use of fertilizers and herbicides can make people retarded.
If you want the feds put of your school system quit taking money from them.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
If you want the feds put of your school system quit taking money from them. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Finally, a good idea (a stopped clock is right twice a day and Daylight savings time must have helped) and the next step is to stop paying that tax money to Washington DC.
Did your clock stop at half past dumb?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Did your clock stop at half past dumb? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
This has got to be a first. I tell him he's right and he attacks me. So he is calling his own comment dumb. I guess I was right about EVA, he just attacks because he is mentally unbalanced. He has to attack like a rooster crowing at the sun.
LOL like your clock comment was not a attack. Nice try...
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Lets see...

Texas is hanging on because Oklahoma sucks.

And Oklahoma is hanging on because Kansas sucks.

Boy.....Kansas must really suck hard
Lets see...

Texas is hanging on because Oklahoma sucks.

And Oklahoma is hanging on because Kansas sucks.

Boy.....Kansas must really suck hard Originally Posted by TheDaliLama

Kansas is windy due the the sucking from the south.