A real War this time, the War on the Youth

never mind having to escape from the most dangerous place in America, a mother's womb, the dems are, and have been, waging a war on our young

of course their many assaults on the family, in the name of compassion and tolerance (read it garners votes), has a direct affect on the youth and deleteriously impacts their future

trapping kids in underperforming and dangerous schools for the sake of a teachers union who supports the dems at all costs because the dems support them at all costs, to speak nothing of the brainwashing

plying them with easy credit which does nothing more than escalate college costs as more money allows administrators to featherbed their nests, leaving college grads with huge debt and little in the way of prospects, to speak nothing of the brainwashing

the vast sums government-subsidized student loans have pumped into higher education over the last three decades have been largely transformed into administrative bloat.. remember the penn state/joe paterno fiasco? all these administrators running for cover with $400,000 pensions for life

the new normal of the Obama economy focusing "on justice for my people", green energy, left wing environmental destruction, unionism and his every other assault on free enterprise making it very difficult to get a job even with a college degree, yet saddling them with college debt

detesting oil, gas, nuclear, coal, hydro-electric and hamster power for some "green' energy windmills killing the bald eagle and lining the pockets of cronies, raising the price of power which impacts those coming up

and of course, designing obamacare to rely on the young footing the bill
Need to change handle to never had a rational thought.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You forgot to mention how they force the youth to wear pajamas and have sex.

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-09-2014, 12:19 PM

the new normal of the Obama economy focusing "on justice for my people", bill Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Poor little racist, are you done with your rant?
You missing the Jim Crow south?

Poor little racist, are you done with your rant?
You missing the Jim Crow south?

Originally Posted by WTF
in the world of mental whales, you are the guppiest
And this voter block loves the Obama agenda..................thinki ng it is free and without economic consequences.....

never mind having to escape from the most dangerous place in America, a mother's womb, the dems are, and have been, waging a war on our young

of course their many assaults on the family, in the name of compassion and tolerance (read it garners votes), has a direct affect on the youth and deleteriously impacts their future

trapping kids in underperforming and dangerous schools for the sake of a teachers union who supports the dems at all costs because the dems support them at all costs, to speak nothing of the brainwashing

plying them with easy credit which does nothing more than escalate college costs as more money allows administrators to featherbed their nests, leaving college grads with huge debt and little in the way of prospects, to speak nothing of the brainwashing

the vast sums government-subsidized student loans have pumped into higher education over the last three decades have been largely transformed into administrative bloat.. remember the penn state/joe paterno fiasco? all these administrators running for cover with $400,000 pensions for life

the new normal of the Obama economy focusing "on justice for my people", green energy, left wing environmental destruction, unionism and his every other assault on free enterprise making it very difficult to get a job even with a college degree, yet saddling them with college debt

detesting oil, gas, nuclear, coal, hydro-electric and hamster power for some "green' energy windmills killing the bald eagle and lining the pockets of cronies, raising the price of power which impacts those coming up

and of course, designing obamacare to rely on the young footing the bill Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
JohnnyCap's Avatar
You have come close to pinpointing a huge problem, almost as a big of a problem as the prevalent belief that this is a dem vs rep issue. Big Banks and Corporate America hedge their bets by playing both sides and until there are enough angry, hungry people to do something more significant than vote and exercise free speech, they will continue to.
It is a cultural problem; one in which the Progressives have won the battle and likely the war...............Big Banks and Corporate America (your boogeymen) love Democratic spending policies; they love Democratic education policies; they love Democratic immigration policies....policies that destroy the labor force, drive down wages, and inflate Wall Street thru cheap money and cheap labor !

But Progressivism will be what collapses our economy and kills the middle class dream....................

Obama's war on the American middle class, being waged at all levels, including the next generation.

You have come close to pinpointing a huge problem, almost as a big of a problem as the prevalent belief that this is a dem vs rep issue. Big Banks and Corporate America hedge their bets by playing both sides and until there are enough angry, hungry people to do something more significant than vote and exercise free speech, they will continue to. Originally Posted by JohnnyCap
JohnnyCap's Avatar
Speaking of waging war on our youth...I was checking out job listings on the local library website and there was a position. With a very specific Masters degree and reliable transportation to more than 30 different locations, one could qualify for a job that pays almost $17/hour up to 19 hours per week. The war on youth is waged by universities, amongst others.
In the words of H.L. Mencken:

“democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard”
I left off the huge mound of debt we have amassed, passing it on to the next generation

of which Obama thinks is not a problem
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You want to blame both parties....and I don't blame you. There is a little bit of the progressive streak in the GOP today and they embrace traditional values. The problem is that they don't recognize where those traditional values came from. Social Security, Medicare, the safety net (hammock), and federal involvement in student loans (which has increased the cost of an education) are all now traditional values. That is your establishment point of view. To get government out of healthcare, retirement, and education is an attack on the establishment and the left.

The OP says that there is a war on the youth. Okay, lets break it down. Our public schools are failing (the elite get to go to private schools) and children are not receiving a good education. They have been sold a bill of goods that everyone should go to college whether it works for them or not. The government has interfered with education by giving away "free" money which drove up the cost up tuition even for those who didn't take the "free" money. Nothing is free so even that money costs. Obama came in and nationalized the student loan program so now you owe the government (or their entity) tens of thousands of dollars. The unemployment rate among college graduates is 16% when they were told that a degree was a ticket to happiness and success. The rate is probably higher since if you don't enter the work force, you don't become part of the system and you don't get counted.

So what do you do when you're 22, 23, or 25 and you can't find meaningful work if any? You get frustrated like all young people do because this is your time but you're stuck doing nothing. You want a target and the left has been telling you that the very people who can help are your enemies. So you get angry (just like the youth in 1930s Germany, 1900s Russia, 1950s China, 1840s France, 1790s France, and 1770s Colonial America) and you look for a leader to lead you. This has always been a danger in a modern country with an educated population (not a great education mind you) and high unemployment.
You want to blame both parties....and I don't blame you. There is a little bit of the progressive streak in the GOP today and they embrace traditional values. The problem is that they don't recognize where those traditional values came from. Social Security, Medicare, the safety net (hammock), and federal involvement in student loans (which has increased the cost of an education) are all now traditional values. That is your establishment point of view. To get government out of healthcare, retirement, and education is an attack on the establishment and the left.

The OP says that there is a war on the youth. Okay, lets break it down. Our public schools are failing (the elite get to go to private schools) and children are not receiving a good education. They have been sold a bill of goods that everyone should go to college whether it works for them or not. The government has interfered with education by giving away "free" money which drove up the cost up tuition even for those who didn't take the "free" money. Nothing is free so even that money costs. Obama came in and nationalized the student loan program so now you owe the government (or their entity) tens of thousands of dollars. The unemployment rate among college graduates is 16% when they were told that a degree was a ticket to happiness and success. The rate is probably higher since if you don't enter the work force, you don't become part of the system and you don't get counted.

So what do you do when you're 22, 23, or 25 and you can't find meaningful work if any? You get frustrated like all young people do because this is your time but you're stuck doing nothing. You want a target and the left has been telling you that the very people who can help are your enemies. So you get angry (just like the youth in 1930s Germany, 1900s Russia, 1950s China, 1840s France, 1790s France, and 1770s Colonial America) and you look for a leader to lead you. This has always been a danger in a modern country with an educated population (not a great education mind you) and high unemployment. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
and now obamacare

the young are seeing their premiums triple to give WTF his subsidy
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The young are healthy and have strong backs. They have plenty of time to pay off our debts and when it is time for them to retire they'll be pissed off enough to enslave their own grandchildren.
50% of the millenniums are independents they are not buying the party BS from either side.