Signed by Clinton in 1994, along with Britain and other countries, the Budapest Memorandum committed the USA to the defense of Ukraine if ever invaded/attacked by Russia..............

Clinton signed the agreement committing us to the defense of Ukraine in exchange for the Ukraine giving up their nuclear capabilities - which they complied with.......

So much for Democrats living up to their agreements.

Never Never trust a Democrat. They lie and cheat at all levels...from local elections to international agreements !
Has the house declared war on Russia yet?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-11-2014, 11:14 AM
it was a nuclear treaty ... whirlie is a dumbass
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-11-2014, 12:06 PM
Is Clinton still President? Whirlaway GWB Bush has eroded our appetite for war. So in that regard GW did a good thing.
So you believe that agreements between nations are meaningless and shouldn't be honored ?

BTW, going to war isn't the only solution to the problem; Obama could easily replace the missile defense system that he yanked out of Poland and know, part of his Russian Re-set policy....

Put a missile defense system into the Ukraine; I bet the Ukrainians would welcome it..........but Obama doesn't believe in strong defense as an offense...........he just believes in drawing imaginary "lines in the sand".........
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
When I first posted this last week I pointed out that this is not really about nuclear weapons. They were subject to the treaty but you're wrong. Clinton promised, and Obama personally confirmed, that if the Ukraine reduced it's military and got rid of it's nuclear missiles then we would guarantee their borders. So much for the lies of democrats.
Just happy Obama wasn't at the Alamo.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-11-2014, 01:50 PM
spin it anyway you want to, blame anyone you want to ...

because dipshits like all the rightwingers on this board nothing short of a world war with Russia will work ... or sucking putins dick ...

maybe Cheney can give pointers on swallowing Russian cum
The distinguished liberal Brookings Institute disagree...........

"Moscow's actions in Crimea are in flagrant violation of those commitments..."

But some zombies will defend Obama at all cost = including rational thought 1
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-11-2014, 03:26 PM
So you believe that agreements between nations are meaningless and shouldn't be honored ?

BTW, going to war isn't the only solution to the problem; Obama could easily replace the missile defense system that he yanked out of Poland and know, part of his Russian Re-set policy....

Put a missile defense system into the Ukraine; I bet the Ukrainians would welcome it..........but Obama doesn't believe in strong defense as an offense...........he just believes in drawing imaginary "lines in the sand"......... Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Unless you are prepared to go to war...There is not much we can do. Fuc you jackass's just want to do the oopposite. If he outlawed suicide. fuckers would go kill yourself.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-11-2014, 03:36 PM
The distinguished liberal Brookings Institute disagree...........

"Moscow's actions in Crimea are in flagrant violation of those commitments..."

But some zombies will defend Obama at all cost = including rational thought 1 Originally Posted by Whirlaway

fuck Brookings ... YOU show me where a nuclear treaty was broken
lustylad's Avatar
the Budapest Memorandum committed the USA to the defense of Ukraine if ever invaded/attacked by Russia.............. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Clinton promised, and Obama personally confirmed, that if the Ukraine reduced it's military and got rid of it's nuclear missiles then we would guarantee their borders. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You guys are being way too careless with your words. First, the Budapest Memorandum was an agreement but not a treaty. It is less "legally" binding than a treaty and therefore didn't need to be approved by the US Senate. Second, how are we committed to "guarantee their borders"? Sure, we affirm that we recognize and respect these borders - but we are NOT committed to go to war for them. It would be different if Ukraine was a member of NATO, but it's not. If their security is threatened, all we are committed to do under the Budapest agreement is consult, hold their hands and help them try to find a way out of the crisis.
lustylad's Avatar
Unless you are prepared to go to war...There is not much we can do. Originally Posted by WTF
Wow... this may be the stupidest post ever by WTFagboy. He thinks whenever there is an international crisis, our options are limited to 1) doing nothing or 2) sending in the Marines...

Just think - As bad as our foreign policy-making is now, it would be infinitely worse if tranny boy was the Idiot-In-Chief!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
We should absolutely NOT go to war over this. The problem is that Obama is trying to sound tough, but he has no intention of doing anything. He is like the schoolyard bully who will beat up younger kids, but when he faces a tough opponent, he will run crying home to mommy. This has been brewing for years. Putin has watched Obama, and knows who he is. Putin isn't a big, brave leader either. He just knows what he can get away with. He will do that, and Obama has laid no groundwork to stop him. Obama has a legacy of weakness and discontinuity in foreign policy. Putin is playing him like a cheap fiddle.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-11-2014, 04:38 PM
Wow... this may be the stupidest post ever by WTFagboy. He thinks whenever there is an international crisis, our options are limited to 1) doing nothing or 2) sending in the Marines...

Just think - As bad as our foreign policy-making is now, it would be infinitely worse if tranny boy was the Idiot-In-Chief! Originally Posted by lustylad
Rand Paul