School Teacher quits job to start a business and thanks Obamacare

flghtr65's Avatar
This school teacher found affordable health insurance on and will quit her job to start a business with her daughter.
LexusLover's Avatar
It will improve the quality of education for your children to weed out the ones who don't like to teach. When she loses the supplement to help her with her insurance premiums and starts paying the increased self-employment taxes, she'll have second thoughts, but her gravy half-time teaching job will be filled.
now that she has her government "subsidy" for her health insurance...all she needs is her Obama government loan guarantee to start her business
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
She can get a phone, loan forgiveness, food stamps, subsidized housing - all thanks to Obama!!
if you quit a job you cant get unemployment or at least you aren't supposed to.. may be she is unaware of this

she might have an "uh oh" moment and try to go scrambling back

we need to have future follow-ups on this

I have reconsidered this....

she most likely qualifies for her lifetime government pension

now she gets her government insurance

she probably knows every twist and turn in the laws and potential benefits available to her and how to make more available. she knows the unemployment law like the back of her hand

its the many dems like her, those receiving assistance, those who sit at their desk everyday and add up their sick leave days to count how much the government has guaranteed them when they retire, those who investigate conservatives and use the power of government as a club to insure ever increasing benefits for themselves like the IRS or OSHA attacks on conservatives, they know where to go and how to work the system.

its us poor working slobs who just keep paying the bills and voting for what is right, not what gives us things, who refuse to even apply for a government "subsidy", we who wouldn't have a clue where to go to get free "stuff" nor any inclination to try, we are the suckers
Check is in the mail; she will likely qualify for special treatment as a "minority owned business"...

Astounding that the left thinks we should pay a subsidy so this individual can have the luxury to quit a job and start up a company......

now that she has her government "subsidy" for her health insurance...all she needs is her Obama government loan guarantee to start her business Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 02-26-2014, 07:54 AM
Isn't it wonderful--all the fake patriotic RWWs! Here is someone doing exactly what they supposedly advocate, reaching out to start a small business, get off the gov't payroll, and live the tea party dream of being a small entrepreneur. Following the rules she didn't establish, but that doesn't stop your attacks, because in this case it argues that just maybe obamacare helps someone they must abandon their principles and attack her--and in your world anything that Obama does can only cause death and despair.

I wonder, if she was a he, and if he was opening a gun store that flew a confederate flag and had a sign saying "No Liberals Served", how much would you be falling all over yourselves to hold him up as a hero.

What hypocritical assholes! (But no, that doesn't surprise me about many of you).
Isn't it wonderful--all the fake patriotic RWWs! Here is someone doing exactly what they supposedly advocate, reaching out to start a small business, get off the gov't payroll, and live the tea party dream of being a small entrepreneur. Following the rules she didn't establish, but that doesn't stop your attacks, because in this case it argues that just maybe obamacare helps someone they must abandon their principles and attack her--and in your world anything that Obama does can only cause death and despair.

I wonder, if she was a he, and if he was opening a gun store that flew a confederate flag and had a sign saying "No Liberals Served", how much would you be falling all over yourselves to hold him up as a hero.

What hypocritical assholes! (But no, that doesn't surprise me about many of you). Originally Posted by Old-T
there are a few synaptic lapses in your logic

she isn't off the government payroll, teacher retirement most likely, obamacare subsidy surely

the help of obamacare is of the first is not liking the subsidy aspect an abandonment of principle?

and your extreme attacks based on nothing but liberal illogic is hypocritical...your fantasy of what a conservative is and the twists it requires in your mind to bolster your desires as if you are right in your desire and feelings is breathtaking
frenchybruno18's Avatar
Isn't it wonderful--all the fake patriotic RWWs! Here is someone doing exactly what they supposedly advocate, reaching out to start a small business, get off the gov't payroll, and live the tea party dream of being a small entrepreneur. Following the rules she didn't establish, but that doesn't stop your attacks, because in this case it argues that just maybe obamacare helps someone they must abandon their principles and attack her--and in your world anything that Obama does can only cause death and despair.

I wonder, if she was a he, and if he was opening a gun store that flew a confederate flag and had a sign saying "No Liberals Served", how much would you be falling all over yourselves to hold him up as a hero.

What hypocritical assholes! (But no, that doesn't surprise me about many of you). Originally Posted by Old-T
Way to go Old T, I couldn't have said better myself. Thanks to Obamacare someone will be able to pursue her or his dream by starting a business, what could be more republican than that, not counting that obamacare was originally a republican idea but since it was a democrat who implemented it, now it is suddenly bad. All those right wing nuts will never aknowledge that at one point of their life they accepted government's money, or accepted public contracts, who knew that all those military contractors were moochers. I have never read about a republican denying welfare when he needed it. Justice Warren said " when government helps you it is called progress, when it helps others it is called socialism". That summarizes well the hypocrisy of the right wing nuts.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 02-26-2014, 08:37 AM
Isn't it wonderful--all the fake patriotic RWWs! Here is someone doing exactly what they supposedly advocate, reaching out to start a small business, get off the gov't payroll, and live the tea party dream of being a small entrepreneur. Following the rules she didn't establish, but that doesn't stop your attacks, because in this case it argues that just maybe obamacare helps someone they must abandon their principles and attack her--and in your world anything that Obama does can only cause death and despair.

I wonder, if she was a he, and if he was opening a gun store that flew a confederate flag and had a sign saying "No Liberals Served", how much would you be falling all over yourselves to hold him up as a hero.

What hypocritical assholes! (But no, that doesn't surprise me about many of you). Originally Posted by Old-T

these RWW's are crazy bastards... ALL OF THEM

they advocate individuals bettering themselves and getting OFF the government teat ... when a person does exactly that, they bitch like old women... fuck them and their horses... ALL OF THEM.
I B Hankering's Avatar
fuck them and their horses... ALL OF THEM. Originally Posted by CJ7
You're into sodomy and ... and ... bestiality, CBJ7????
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 02-26-2014, 08:44 AM
she isn't off the government payroll, teacher retirement most likely, obamacare subsidy surely
So you want to blame her for the contract she worked under? I didn't read the part where she was the teacher union negotiator and held a gun to the school board's head. But no matter, the evil overpaid teacher should have her pension stripped away--IF she is getting one (I must have skipped over that part in the article).

the help of obamacare is of the first is not liking the subsidy aspect an abandonment of principle?
Oh I am quite aware that many of you don't agree with the subsidy. I have posted a number of times I don't think the current health care approach is a good one. But read the feeding frenzied on here--you RW psychopaths are attacking HER, not the legislation. Start with LL's ignorant comment about "half time job". Reasonably clear he never taught elementary school--or if he did, he likely didn't prepare enough to be good at it. Then there is JL who, for no apparent reason other than she is a woman, attacks her for "phone, loan forgiveness, food stamps, subsidized housing". But what is a little truth to a misogynist like JL. Not to be outdone, the bigot Dizzyboy has to add in "she will likely qualify for special treatment as a "minority owned business".

and your extreme attacks based on nothing but liberal illogic is hypocritical...your fantasy of what a conservative is and the twists it requires in your mind to bolster your desires as if you are right in your desire and feelings is breathtaking Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Nope. Just pointing out the hypocrisy of many of you. And because of nut jobs like Cruz and Jack Burkman it makes it exceedingly difficult to get a SANE conservative nominated much less elected. The RWWs and Thumpers are the biggest, most dangerous enemy, and only after they are kicked to the curb is there any hope of booting out the LWWs.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Isn't it wonderful--all the fake patriotic RWWs! Here is someone doing exactly what they supposedly advocate, reaching out to start a small business, get off the gov't payroll, and live the tea party dream of being a small entrepreneur. Following the rules she didn't establish, but that doesn't stop your attacks, because in this case it argues that just maybe obamacare helps someone they must abandon their principles and attack her--and in your world anything that Obama does can only cause death and despair.

I wonder, if she was a he, and if he was opening a gun store that flew a confederate flag and had a sign saying "No Liberals Served", how much would you be falling all over yourselves to hold him up as a hero.

What hypocritical assholes! (But no, that doesn't surprise me about many of you). Originally Posted by Old-T
I guess I would be more impressed if she didn't need the insurance subsidy, but ,yes, we should applaud her if she pulls herself up by the bootstraps. Small point in your favor....
I'm going to go clean my AR-15 now...

So you want to blame her for the contract she worked under?

who blamed her for working? you attack things never contemplated or said. please pay attention instead of feeling things


Oh I am quite aware that many of you don't agree with the subsidy. I have posted a number of times I don't think the current health care approach is a good one

then why did you say that we abandoned our principles and just attacked her, when the whole jist of article was that she was able to leave her teaching job because of the subsidy and the principle in question is the subsidy and the whole shove obamacare down your throat approach without any conservative input? please think before making random charges

Nope. Just pointing out the hypocrisy of many of you. And because of nut jobs like Cruz and Jack Burkman it makes it exceedingly difficult to get a SANE conservative nominated much less elected. The RWWs and Thumpers are the biggest, most dangerous enemy, and only after they are kicked to the curb is there any hope of booting out the LWWs.

your sane seems to be those who agree with you or at least be amenable to destructive things but maybe just not quite as quickly as you like and not any who do have conservative principles

Originally Posted by Old-T
they want me to say something down here

but hopefully you will read things more closely and pay more attention to the posts
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 02-26-2014, 09:19 AM
they want me to say something down here

but hopefully you will read things more closely and pay more attention to the posts Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought

I want you to eat shit,and shove the subsidy bullshit up your ass