Its not fair but they'll do it anyway

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
At some point a lefty will demand "what would you do?" about Russian the Ukraine. You see it is not a fair question because if say John McCain, Mitt Romney, or Sarah Palin were in charge different decisions would have been made prior to this. If fact this situation would probably not exist. So you really can't ask that question....but they will. To ask that question and a demand for an answer is a tacit admission that the situation is really fucked up and fucked up by Barry. So you're asking, if Barry suddenly disappeared and you were in charge, what would you do given this fucked up situation.

So ask the question lefty's, admit that Obama screwed the pooch, and let someone answer the question. After you read it then you can get on the horn and talk to George Soros about what Obama should do.
What would John Sara or Mitt have done to prevent the uprising of the people in Ukraine protesting against the decision to align the country with Russia instead of the EU?
What would John Sara or Mitt have done to prevent the uprising of the people in Ukraine protesting against the decision to align the country with Russia instead of the EU? Originally Posted by i'va biggen

I know what they wouldn't have done...

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  • 03-04-2014, 06:32 PM
So you're asking, if Barry suddenly disappeared and you were in charge, what would you do given this fucked up situation.

. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I'd ship you and any other dumbass that wanted to be a arm chair asshole off to the Ukraine to offer up your services, not sure how many gay ex navy dick heads they'd need though.
I know what they wouldn't have done...

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Other than posting a utube you don't know shit.
I'd ship you and any other dumbass that wanted to be a arm chair asshole off to the Ukraine to offer up your services, not sure how many gay ex navy dick heads they'd need though. Originally Posted by WTF
Again WTF lives up to his poor reading comprehension and ability to draw a logical conclusion - you moronic buffoon.

JD, I would have shown the bin Laden assassination photos.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
What would John Sara or Mitt have done to prevent the uprising of the people in Ukraine protesting against the decision to align the country with Russia instead of the EU? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Idiot! Why would they have stopped it? The question that you are entirely too stupid to understand is how would have handled Putin before this situation happened.

Here is one thing that they would not have done. They wouldn't have squandered 1.3 trillion dollars on union pension funds, green energy, and cronies. It would take 30 billion dollars to stabilize the Ukraine. Whether you think it is a good idea of not, they would have had some flexibility with money after NOT wasting it like Obama did.
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  • 03-05-2014, 05:49 AM
JD, I would have shown the bin Laden assassination photos. Originally Posted by gnadfly

Well there you have it....

gnad thinks Obama's killing of Osama had an impact on the world stage whereas Bush had given up looking for him.

JD....what would have happened had Bush killed Osama early on and not went into Iraq?

Hey , the "What if..." game is easy to play , now isn't it. Pointless but fun!

[QUOTE=JD Barleycorn;1055046668]Idiot! Why would they have stopped it? The question that you are entirely too stupid to understand is how would have handled Putin before this situation happened.

Then you are blaming Obie for the same thing your saviors would not have done. you are getting dimmer as each day rises.
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  • 03-05-2014, 07:24 AM
[QUOTE=i'va biggen;1055046936]
Idiot! Why would they have stopped it? The question that you are entirely too stupid to understand is how would have handled Putin before this situation happened.

Then you are blaming Obie for the same thing your saviors would not have done. you are getting dimmer as each day rises. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
JD would have invaded Grenada

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The lights on but no one is home...correction, it is a candle inside EVA's head.
[QUOTE=JD Barleycorn;1055047148]The lights on but no one is home...

You finally made some sense....
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Tsk! Can't even be original. Someone blow out the candle when you leave.
If I blow out the candle you will be entirely in the dark.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
There you have it. Complete testimony from one EVA. Asinine, ridiculous, and without purpose. You have just entered the EVA Zone.