My Favorite Democrat

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
"I do not believe that Washington should do for the people what they can do for themselves through local and private effort." - John F. Kennedy

I don't think he'd be accepted in either major party today.
"I do not believe that Washington should do for the people what they can do for themselves through local and private effort." - John F. Kennedy

I don't think he'd be accepted in either major party today. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
He might not want to be in either party now.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
"I do not believe that Washington should do for the people what they can do for themselves through local and private effort." - John F. Kennedy

I don't think he'd be accepted in either major party today. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
As a Democrat who never went on record as opposing gay marriage, he wouldn't have a problem. Wait, the idea probably never occurred to him, did it?
All his generals were white men, all his cabinet members were white men, everyone who he went with to Harvard where all white men, weren't they? That guy was a mother fucking racist son of a bitch - didn't he at least make a token effort to hide his racism and sexism? Even George Bush had greater diversity than Kennedy!!!
TheDaliLama's Avatar
"I do not believe that Washington should do for the people what they can do for themselves through local and private effort." - John F. Kennedy

I don't think he'd be accepted in either major party today. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

That's a no-brainer.
Unlike Kennedy who got us into a bloody favorite Democrat is Truman, who ended one of America's bloodiest wars.....Kennedy would have never dropped the A-bomb !

Harry Truman (1945-1953): Truman brought a swift end to World War II by approving the dropping of the atom bomb on Hiroshima and then navigated the Marshall Plan, which helped to rebuild Europe. He started the transition from a wartime economy and stood firm against the threat of communism.

I also admire Grover Cleveland (1885-1889, 1893-1897), a pro-business Democrat who supported lower tariffs and battled government corruption, patronage, and high taxes. He broke the Pullman Strike of 1894, which was threatening to paralyze the nation’s transportation system. He vetoed 584 bills in his eight years mostly to cut excessive spending, yet had only seven vetoes overridden. He was a crusader for reform and fiscal conservatism. He fought bossism, patronage, and political corruption. He won the presidency with the help of the Conservative wing of the Republican Party which bolted and supported Cleveland - the Mugwumps.
Yeh, but JFK got to fuck some pretty hot women.

I was thinking the other day about something.
Advertising Companies have no qualms what so ever in using President Lincoln in commercials, some quite humorous.

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Jul 12, 2010 - Uploaded by blackdawg242
Poor guy. Who ever said that honesty was the best policy? Enjoy this geico commercial. I, of ...

How many more years will have to pass before we see JFK in similar commercials?

"Can GIECO save you money............did JFK get a lot of pussy on the side"?

After all, both suffered the same fate.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe it was LBJ who escalated our involvement in VietNam. But I agree with you about Cleveland. Still, you can't argue with JFK's quote.
No doubt; a great quote by Kennedy.......

I won't argue that LBJ escalated beyond reason; but it was Kennedy, against the advice of Charles De Gaulle, who took the 1st step and sent "military advisors" to assist a corrupt regime in S. Vietnam; also ordering secret covert operations in North Vietnam and Laos...the early stages of a war that was widely unpopular and opened the door to a broader war escalated by LBJ and cost us 55,000 dead American soldiers.....

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe it was LBJ who escalated our involvement in VietNam. But I agree with you about Cleveland. Still, you can't argue with JFK's quote. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Whirlyturd is a fucking moron.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
As much as I like JFK, I forgot about George McGovern. He's actually my favorite Democrat. But JFK remains my favorite Democrat president.