Providers wanting your personal information

Some providers expect you to provide your employment information and/or personal social media accounts.

What bullshit.

Yeah, I get why they ask for that information. They want to make sure you aren't a cop. But at the same time, they should understand why we'd be reluctant to give that information.

When you're committing a crime by doing business with someone, it's understandable you'll want to keep your crime separate from your professional/personal life.

If a provider is that paranoid we'll turn out to be a cop, she's in the wrong line of work. Besides, there's legal risk for the client too. We run the risk that the provider will turn out to be a cop. Yet we manage to minimize said risk without asking for personal social media accounts from the provider (Yeah, I know a lot of providers will share their Instagram or Twitter account under their stage name. But that's different than her personal social media accounts. A provider would never share her personal social media accounts with us)

Speaking of stage names, the vast majority of providers use one. It's pretty hypocritical to demand extremely personal information from a guy you won't even tell your real name to.
Audrey Astor's Avatar
Your job, marriage or life will never be more important than mine. I can only hope you’re a cop opposed to a rapist or murderer. Perhaps do some research as to what all has happened to ladies over the years. Just keep thinking your wanker is the most important thing in the world.Get a grip Mr I joined 2 years ago, and think I know everything.
Your job, marriage or life will never be more important than mine. I can only hope you’re a cop opposed to a rapist or murderer. Perhaps do some research as to what all has happened to ladies over the years. Just keep thinking your wanker is the most important thing in the world.Get a grip Mr I joined 2 years ago, and think I know everything. Originally Posted by Audrey Astor
Amazing. You flat out admit you don't give a damn if we get fired. Keep in mind, the money we get from our job is why we're able to give you business in the first place. Don't bite the hand that feeds.

The safety thing goes both ways. Clients have been robbed, injured, and even murdered by providers/pimps.

Hell, Cardi B bragged about drugging clients during her prostitute days.

Even though I joined the forum 2 years ago, I've been utilizing escorts for close to a decade. Plenty of providers don't ask invasive questions of us. If we don't want to entertain a provider's 20 questions game, we can and will find another provider (In any other context, the woman holds all the power sexually. Prostitution is the one area where the man holds the power)

The one time a provider flat out refused to see me because I wouldn't entertain her invasive questions, her concern was that I was a cop by the way (She said she had recently run into an undercover cop, and that she'd go to jail if it happened that's somehow my problem). If she's that afraid a client will turn out to be a cop, find a legal job like me (I'd say the same thing to drug dealers if they were afraid a customer would turn out to be a cop)

Besides, I couldn't have answered her social media question even if I wanted to. I had no social media (other than a YouTube account where I don't use my name, picture, or post any vids). The provider didn't believe that a 25 year old (I was 25 at the time) had no social media.

Social media has only been popular for less than 20 years. Prostitution has existed since the dawn of time. Somehow prostitutes functioned without doing social media verifications for thousands of years.
Some of the information required to see a provider is ridiculous.

The hobby/provider relationships is all about being anonymous.

If a provider requires everything to see her...sounds like a relationship.

Some people are fine with providing the info required. There not married, no SO, retired, and worst case is there name gets published on a website.

Others have SO, married, a career and woukdnhave a lot to lose if their name was published on a website.

It's upto each individual and their risk tolerance.
Some of the information required to see a provider is ridiculous.

The hobby/provider relationships is all about being anonymous.

If a provider requires everything to see her...sounds like a relationship.

Some people are fine with providing the info required. There not married, no SO, retired, and worst case is there name gets published on a website.

Others have SO, married, a career and woukdnhave a lot to lose if their name was published on a website.

It's upto each individual and their risk tolerance. Originally Posted by Fizley
Yeah, it's all about anonymity (and many of us have a lot to lose).

I used to not even provide my real name.

Eventually I started using my real name (but I only give a first name). I live in a building with a lot of neighbors. There have been times when neighbors have called me by name in front of a provider. So I learned I kinda have to give my real name. But I still won't provide employment information.
  • Mplay
  • 09-22-2024, 04:37 PM
Just not worth seeing. No one dies without pussy. Plenty of quality woman that don’t do this shit.
Just not worth seeing. No one dies without pussy. Plenty of quality woman that don’t do this shit. Originally Posted by Mplay
I remember one provider (when I asked her if she wants me to prove I'm not a cop by groping her) said she's learned there's no point in doing cop checks.

As she put it "Even if you were a cop, I could be sucking you off, and who would the judge believe? The cop or the prostitute?"
Busty's Avatar
  • Busty
  • 09-22-2024, 05:14 PM
Plenty of providers don't ask invasive questions of us. If we don't want to entertain a provider's 20 questions game, we can and will find another provider Originally Posted by AdventurousMouse
Take your own advice because all the griping won't change how a provider does her safety screening that weeds out the rapist and killers.Not everything is about running into a cop.
Gotyour6's Avatar
Dont see them until you get theirs.

Just move on. They are always whining about safety but not yours.

Anyone that does this is a fool

Hell, one got busted and turned in a doctor so she wouldn't go to jail
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txdot-guy's Avatar
The provider is providing the service. They set the rules. It doesn’t matter their reasons. Getting on a message board and complaining about it doesn’t really look good for anyone. If you don’t like their rules then don’t become their client.
The provider is providing the service. They set the rules. It doesn’t matter their reasons. Getting on a message board and complaining about it doesn’t really look good for anyone. If you don’t like their rules then don’t become their client. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
The provider wants to be PAID for a service. She's not accomplished anything so long as my money stays in my pocket, where it will absolutely stay if they can't come up with a screening method that provides for my own personal exposure safety as well.

If a provider wants to give me all of her personal info first, we can talk. Otherwise I'm not going to play along.

I realize that meets your suggestion about not becoming their client, but we differ regarding who holds the power in the dynamic.
Busty's Avatar
  • Busty
  • 09-22-2024, 10:37 PM
^wrong,there are plenty of gentlemen seeing verified providers that have great reviews without any wrong doings and happily providing screening information.
I don't expect a hobbyist to hand over all his personal data to an unverified woman that has no reputation.
A reputable provider is the same as a company that has stellar reviews and is with the BBB.
The intelligent hobbyist are doing that for a business investment.
pertpvyztrzv's Avatar
How does Social Media or real info predict a r@p!st or k!ll3r or any other crime?

I can see if they hand that info to a friend in case something happens, but I bet that info is just sitting on their phone unencrypted, hopefully at least a password, just wait for LE to get their phone.

Cops are allowed to lie during their investigations, so any amount of info, groping or anything else is not going to prove cop or not.

The only way to not get un-alived or physically hurt is to not do it. All of your "precautions" don't really do anything except make you feel good.
Busty's Avatar
  • Busty
  • 09-22-2024, 11:35 PM
^wrong,by having strict screening it eliminates most men that are up-to-no-good & they can't make it past the screening !!! Kinda like a military base, you can't enter.
The same rules applies to your home with door cameras and motion sensors.
You aren't going to let some stranger off the streets into your house. Duhhhhh