How Stress Affects the Libido

  • Oppa
  • 04-13-2012, 10:55 AM
Obviously everyone is different...moments of intense stress cause some people to get horny as hell, and others couldn't give sex a passing thought during stressful moments.

I fall into the latter category. I had worked 62 hours this week going into this morning (Friday), and my body goes into survival mode: eat, sleep, drive to and from work, try to find time to use the bathroom, shower (but not shave), and work work work more work. Not only has sex been the last thing on my mind, it hasn't been on my mind at all. Usually I am a horny bastard, but I go into this mode about twice a year for a week at a time.

Anyone else have similar experiences? Totally opposite experiences?
+1 Oppa! I push everything to lower categories whenever that happens and getting off falls over the cliff. I've always enjoyed going into what I'll call "overdrive" mode because it usually has a worthy goal at the end that gives me an adrenaline rush that jump starts my libido. Still, some situations, such as ones centered on a family crisis (death of a family member, car crash, near death accidents) make my libido recovery a MUCH slower climb. Then, I require a return to normalcy for a period of time just to begin thinking about having fun.
For me, stress just makes me want to put the hurting on something. I generally end up at the gym and work out until i just have nothing left. Occasionally thats not enoug and a "hate fuck" is what I really need and seek out....especially if she's part of the stress.
pyramider's Avatar
Make stress your friend. Wrap your arms around stress and give stress some man love.
LaStang's Avatar
stress ruins my sex drive ...i've been under so much stress these past couple yrs and its suffered badly ... i got to the point i didnt even care about sex .
TheWanderer's Avatar
There are different levels. Minor stress that just causes frustration can be good for your libido, your gym workout and certainly for taxing that ass.
Major stress, the kind that keeps you up at night, the kind in which there is no easy solution, the kind that paints you into a corner mentally is hell on the libido.
I go into survival mode as well.